Friday, January 26, 2024

Why Do Dogs Wag Their Tails?

There is quite a lot of research ongoing about why dogs wag their tails. It seems to be an interesting action for research.  I think it is just cute.  I have always been able to read my dog's language--both body language as well as vocalizations.  If you have pets, they learn to understand you and you learn to do the same with them. This blog just looks at what research has come up with about tail wagging. We covered some of this in another blog post here.

Why do dogs wag their tails? It's not just a simple thing; it's their way of talking to us. Imagine your dog's tail as a mood ring. A fast wag can mean they're super excited, while a slow wag might mean they're unsure about something. It's like they're saying, "Hey, I'm happy!" or "Hmm, I'm not too sure about this." 
dog greeting owner

Now, the position of their tail is important too. A high tail? That's a confident dog right there. A low tail? They might be feeling a bit nervous or submissive. It's all about understanding their body language. 
dog with tail tucked

But why do they wag their tails in the first place? Well, it's something they've inherited from their wolf ancestors. It's a natural response that's deeply rooted in their biology. Scientists have even found that the direction of the wag can tell us about their emotions. 

dog wagging tail
Different dog breeds have their own tail-wagging styles. The size and shape of their tails can change how they express themselves. And it's not just about emotions; tail wagging is a big part of how they socialize with us and other dogs. 

Sometimes, changes in how they wag their tails can be a sign of health issues, so it's good to keep an eye on that. And understanding their tail language can really help in training them and strengthening your bond. 

Did you know dogs don't wag their tails when they're alone? It's all about social interaction! So, the next time you see your dog's tail going wild, take a moment to appreciate the complex emotions and messages they're trying to convey. It's their way of connecting with us and the world around them.

Here are some articles about this topic for you to check out:

Friday, January 19, 2024

Protecting Your Pets in Extreme Weather: Essential Tips

As pet owners, our furry friends are not just animals; they are family. Just like us, they feel the brunt of extreme weather, be it the biting cold of winter or the scorching heat of summer. Understanding how to protect and care for them during these times is crucial. In this post, we'll explore essential tips for keeping your pets safe and comfortable, no matter what the thermometer reads.
Pets are Family
Although we have never addressed this particular issue before, we have addressed safety in cars before and you can read that here if you missed it.

Battling the Freeze - Caring for Pets in Cold Weather

  1. Keep Them Indoors: The simplest and most effective way to protect your pets from the cold is to keep them inside, especially during extreme cold snaps.
  2. Bundle Them Up: Short-haired pets benefit from wearing coats or sweaters during walks. Remember, if it's too cold for you, it's probably too cold for your pet.
  3. Paw Protection: Use pet-safe ice melts on your driveways and sidewalks. Check your pet's paws regularly for signs of cold-weather injury or damage, such as cracked paw pads.
  4. Cozy warm bed
    Avoid Antifreeze: Antifreeze is lethal for pets, yet they are attracted to its taste. Always clean up spills and store antifreeze out of reach.
  5. Provide a Cozy Bed: Ensure your pet has a warm, draft-free place to sleep, away from cold floors or drafts.

Surviving the Scorch: Caring for Pets in Hot Weather

  1. Keep them hydrated
    Hydration is Key: Always ensure your pets have access to fresh, clean water. Overheating can cause dehydration.
  2. Never Leave Pets in Cars: Temperatures in a car can skyrocket in minutes, even with the windows open.
    Signs of heatstroke
  3. Mind the Paws: Hot pavements can burn your pet's paws. Walk them on grass or during cooler parts of the day.
  4. Provide Shade and Cool Spaces: Whether indoors or outdoors, pets need a cool, shady place to escape the sun.
  5. Watch for Heatstroke Signs: Symptoms include excessive panting, drooling, lethargy, and in severe cases, collapse. If you suspect heatstroke, contact your vet immediately.

  Regular Year-Round Tips

  1. Regular Vet Checks
    Vet Check-Ups: Regular check-ups can help identify issues related to weather extremes.
  2. Grooming: Proper grooming can help pets better regulate their body temperature.
  3. Know Your Breed: Some breeds are more susceptible to weather extremes than others. Know your pet's limits.
Our pets rely on us for their well-being, and this responsibility grows during extreme weather conditions. By following these tips, you can ensure that your furry family members stay safe and comfortable, no matter what the weather brings.

Love your pets by preparing for the weather. Share your own tips and experiences in the comments below, and let's keep our pets happy and healthy together!


Friday, January 12, 2024

Capybara: The Unconventional Pet?

Today I want to expand our topics and write about an animal that I find very interesting.  These animals are rodents that are native to South America. They are known to be very gently and charming. Some people have been successful in having a Capybara as a pet, but there are many things that must be done to keep one healthy and happy. I hope you are ready to learn about them and make a decision about whether they would be pet material for you or yours.  Let me know in the comments what you decide.


These charming creatures are the largest rodents globally, known for their docile nature and quirky appearance. In this post, we'll try to see what makes capybaras unique and what it takes to keep them as pets.

Legal Considerations

Before you get captivated by their charm, it's crucial to understand the legalities. Owning a capybara is not like having a cat or a dog. In many places, special permits are required, and in some areas, it's outright illegal. Always check with local wildlife authorities to ensure you're compliant with the law.

Caring for a Capybara

Caring for a Capybara

Capybaras are not your average pet. They require a diet rich in grasses and water plants, mirroring their natural habitat. These animals need ample space to roam and, importantly, access to a large water body for swimming, as they are semi-aquatic. Their enclosure should mimic their natural environment to keep them happy and healthy.

Social Behavior
Social Group

Capybaras are incredibly social and thrive in groups. Isolation can lead to depression and behavioral issues. They bond well with humans and can coexist peacefully with other animals, including cats and dogs, making them a delightful addition to a diverse pet household.

Capybara grows to 140 lbs.

However, capybaras come with their own set of challenges. They grow quite large, up to 140 pounds, requiring significant space. Their need for a watery habitat means not every home environment is suitable. Additionally, finding a vet experienced with exotic pets can be a challenge.

Success Stories
Feeding a Capybara

Despite these challenges, many have found joy in capybara companionship. Stories from owners highlight their affectionate nature, intelligence, and playful antics. Interviews with capybara owners reveal a unique bond and a rewarding experience, albeit with a need for commitment and understanding of their needs.

Capybara as a pet

Owning a capybara is a journey filled with unique challenges and joys. It's a commitment to providing a suitable environment, companionship, and care. But for those willing to take on the responsibility, a capybara can be a loving and extraordinary pet, offering a glimpse into a wilder side of life.

Okay, what do you think? I don't think I could manage to have a capybara myself because of the size and water habits.  I live in the South and sometimes water is hard to find.  Aside from my issues, I do think that they are really cute and who would have thought they were classified as rodents?

Here are some links for resources if you decide you want one:

Friday, January 5, 2024

Your Dog's Peculiar Behaviors: Sniffing and Licking Explained

As a dog owner, you've probably witnessed your furry friend engaging in some peculiar behaviors - from sniffing other dogs' butts to licking their own private areas. While these actions might seem odd or even embarrassing to us, they are perfectly normal for dogs and have specific reasons behind them.

licking private parts
I know that I have certainly been embarrassed by my boy dog on several occassions.  He not only licked his own genitals, but would lick those of any female dog he came into contact. It really was difficult to deal with when we were at the park or out walking and came across owners with their dogs. Although my dog was extremely friendly and calm, this one behavior drove me crazy. I got tired of explaining to the other owners what he was doing.

dogs meeting on walk
We touched on this topic briefly in this blog post about communication between owners and their dogs.  If you missed it, please feel free to go back and check it out.

Why Do Dogs Sniff Each Other’s Butts?

When dogs meet, one of the first things they do is sniff each other’s butts. This behavior, while strange to humans, is a vital part of canine communication. Dogs have an incredibly powerful sense of smell, with about 220 million olfactory receptors compared to a human's 5 million. This advanced olfactory system allows dogs to detect pheromones and other chemical signals through a specialized organ called the vomeronasal organ.

Why Dogs Sniff Butts
By sniffing each other’s butts, dogs can gather crucial information about the other dog, such as their gender, age, health, and even mood. This ritual is akin to exchanging business cards and helps dogs establish social hierarchies and understand each other’s intentions. It is the dog's way of shaking hands with another dog.

The Reasons Behind Butt Licking

While butt sniffing is more about social interaction, dogs licking their butts can be a sign of health issues. Here are some reasons why dogs engage in this behavior:

dog licking genitals
  • Anal Glands Issues: Dogs have anal glands that can sometimes become full and uncomfortable. If they don’t express naturally, dogs might lick their butts to relieve pressure or discomfort.
  • Intestinal Parasites: Parasites like hookworms, whipworms, and tapeworms can cause irritation in the rectal area, leading to excessive licking.
  • Skin Allergies & Infections: Allergies can cause itchy and inflamed skin, including around the rectal area. Secondary skin infections can exacerbate this irritation.
  • Food Allergies: Certain food allergens can cause reactions, including irritation around the anal glands, prompting dogs to lick their butts.

When to Be Concerned

Dog with vaginal infection

While some degree of licking is normal for grooming, excessive licking, especially of the private areas, can indicate a medical problem. Signs to watch for include swelling, redness, pustules, straining to urinate, increased frequency of urination, and foul odors. If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s important to consult a veterinarian.

Understanding these behaviors can help us empathize with our canine companions and recognize when there might be a health concern. Remember, what might seem odd to us is often a normal part of a dog's life. So, the next time you see your dog engaging in these behaviors, know that they have their reasons, whether it's gathering information about their furry friends or addressing a discomfort they might be feeling.

If you need more information on this topic, here are some resources you can read:

Friday, December 29, 2023

Outdoor Cats: The Unseen Impact on the Environment

I hope this post finds you and your pets well. Today, I want to chat about something that's been on my mind lately. It's about our cats and the impact they might be having on the great outdoors. Don't get me wrong, I adore cats.I have had cats on and off my whole life. But, I've been reading up on how outdoor cats affect the local ecosystem, and, honestly, it's been an eye-opener.
indoor cats

First off, did you know that domestic cats are considered one of the top human-introduced threats to wildlife? Surprising, right? Our cuddly companions, when they roam outside, can become efficient predators. They often hunt birds, small mammals, reptiles, and insects. This isn't just about the occasional bird or mouse; it's about the broader impact on local wildlife populations.
cat hunting

The numbers are pretty staggering. Studies suggest that in the United States alone, free-ranging domestic cats kill billions of birds and mammals each year. These aren't just random numbers; they're a significant hit to biodiversity. Birds, in particular, are at risk. Many bird species are already struggling due to habitat loss and climate change, and predation by cats adds another layer of stress.
cat with mouse

Now, I know what you might be thinking – cats are natural hunters, right? It's in their nature. And that's true. But the problem is, our neighborhoods aren't natural environments. They're ecosystems heavily influenced by human activity, where some species may already be at a disadvantage. When we add a large number of predators (i.e., our pet cats) to the mix, it can throw things off balance.

So, what can we do as responsible pet owners? Well, there are a few things. Keeping our cats indoors is a straightforward solution. It not only protects wildlife but also keeps our pets safe from traffic, diseases, and other dangers. If you're worried about your cat getting bored indoors, there are tons of ways to keep them entertained – think climbing structures, interactive toys, and even leash training for supervised outdoor time.
cat on indoor tree

Another option is a 'catio' – an enclosed outdoor space that allows your cat to enjoy the outdoors without posing a risk to wildlife. It's like a mini-adventure zone for them. And, if you're into DIY projects, building a catio can be a fun weekend activity.
outdoor catio

In closing, I just want to say that being a pet owner is a joy and a responsibility. Our choices can have a wider impact than we realize. By being mindful of how our pets interact with the world around them, we can make a positive difference for all creatures – big and small.

This is the second in a series of posts about cats. You can find the first post here.

Let's keep the conversation going. What are your thoughts on indoor vs. outdoor cats? Any tips on keeping indoor cats happy and active? Share your stories and ideas – I'd love to hear them!

We also posted a short YouTube video about this and you can view it here.

Friday, December 22, 2023

Cats indoors or outdoors? What's the difference?

For cat owners, one of the most significant decisions is whether to keep their feline friend indoors or let them explore the great outdoors. This choice not only impacts their daily lifestyle but also their health and longevity. In this post, we'll delve into the benefits and risks of both indoor and outdoor living for cats, and explore why there's such a stark difference in life expectancy between the two.

Benefits of Indoor Living:

Indoor cat

  1. Safety from External Dangers: Indoor cats are protected from various threats such as traffic, predators, and other aggressive animals.
  2. Controlled Health Environment: Being indoors reduces the risk of contracting diseases from other animals and limits exposure to parasites like fleas and ticks.
  3. Reduced Risk of Accidents: Indoor cats are less likely to suffer from injuries due to fights or accidents.
  4. Closer Monitoring: It's easier to monitor health and behavior changes in indoor cats, ensuring timely medical attention.

Risks of Indoor Living:

lazy overweight cat

  1. Lack of Exercise: Indoor cats may lead a more sedentary lifestyle, leading to obesity and related health issues.
  2. Behavioral Issues: Without proper stimulation, indoor cats can develop stress, anxiety, or destructive behaviors.
  3. Limited Environmental Enrichment: Cats have a natural instinct to explore and hunt, which can be stifled indoors.

Benefits of Outdoor Living:

  1. Natural Exercise: Outdoor cats tend to be more active, maintaining a healthier weight and muscle tone.
  2. Mental Stimulation: The outdoor environment offers a variety of stimuli, satisfying their natural instincts to hunt and explore.
  3. Behavioral Enrichment: Access to the outdoors can lead to a more content and well-adjusted cat.

Risks of Outdoor Living:

cat being chased by dog

  1. Increased Exposure to Diseases: Outdoor cats are at a higher risk of infections like FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) and FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus).
  2. Danger from Traffic and Predators: Cars, wild animals, and even other cats can pose significant threats.
  3. Risk of Theft or Loss: Outdoor cats can become lost or be stolen.

Life Expectancy Differences: 

Studies have shown that indoor cats often live significantly longer than their outdoor counterparts. The average lifespan of an indoor cat can range from 12 to 15 years, with many living into their late teens or early twenties. In contrast, outdoor cats have a much shorter average lifespan, often only 2 to 5 years.

Reasons for Life Expectancy Differences:

  • Exposure to Harm: Outdoor cats face numerous hazards such as traffic, predators, and human cruelty.
  • Health Risks: The risk of contracting diseases and parasites is much higher for outdoor cats.
  • Nutritional Uncertainty: Outdoor cats may not have consistent access to nutritious food.
  • Stress: The life of an outdoor cat can be stressful, impacting their overall health and wellbeing.

Choosing between keeping your cat indoors or allowing them outdoor access is a complex decision that requires weighing the benefits and risks. While indoor living generally promises a longer, healthier life due to controlled environments and reduced risks, it's crucial to ensure that indoor cats receive adequate exercise, mental stimulation, and love. For those who prefer to let their cats experience the outdoors, supervised outings or secure cat enclosures can provide a safer alternative. 
cats playing indoors
We have a video on YouTube about this very same issue you might enjoy. You can view it here.

Ultimately, the decision should be based on the individual cat's personality, health, and the owner's ability to provide a safe and enriching environment.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Answers to the Cat Quiz Video

 I'm so glad you decided to play with us.  I hope you enjoyed the video, but if you missed it you can find it here: .

I know it was just a quick, 5 question quiz, but it was fun and fast.  I plan to make several more of these fast quizes to see how much we really know about our pets.

pet indoor cats

I may even make some quizzes about strange animals all over the world that you may not really know much about. I would hope such a quiz would inspire you to learn more about the animals we share this world with.

Here are the answers to the quiz:

1. The average lifespan of an indoor cat is 20-25 years.  The lifespan of an outdoor cat is 5-7 years.

2. The breed of cat known for a lack of tail is the Manx. There are actually scientific studies ongoing right now to determine why they have no tail.

3. Your cat has an average of 24 whiskers total.  12 whiskers on either side of the face. Cats use whiskers to determine where they are in relation to their environment and they use it to detect motion and air currents.

4. This was my favorite. A group of kittens is called a Kindle.  Isn't that cute?

5. The least developed sense a cat has is its sense of taste. It has fewer taste buds on its tongue and cannot taste any sweet taste.

So, how did you do? Please leave me a comment and tell me.  I so enjoy these little quizzes and I hope you do too.  Come back soon for the next one.  Who knows what it will be on?

Friday, December 15, 2023

Making Spirits Bright: Christmas Gifts for Your Pets

As the festive season approaches, it's not just family and friends who are on our Christmas shopping list – our pets are too! They bring so much joy and companionship into our lives, it's only natural to want to include them in the holiday cheer. This year, make your pet's Christmas unforgettable with our ultimate guide to choosing the perfect gifts.

We have explored this topic before "Pets and Holidays: Things to do with your pets".

dog by Christmas Tree

 Before diving into the sea of pet gifts, it's important to consider what your pet loves. Does your dog enjoy a good game of fetch, or does your cat spend hours lounging in cozy corners? Understanding their preferences will help you pick a gift that they'll adore.

1. For the Playful Pup:
interactive dog toy

Interactive Toys: Keep your dog mentally stimulated and physically active with interactive toys like puzzle feeders or treat-dispensing balls.
Durable Chew Toys: For the enthusiastic chewer, invest in some durable chew toys that can withstand hours of gnawing.

2. For the Curious Cat:
cat toy

Cat Trees and Scratching Posts: Give your cat a gift that caters to their climbing and scratching instincts.
Interactive Laser Toys: Keep your cat entertained and active with a laser toy that encourages them to chase and pounce.

3. For the Small and Furry:
Guinea Pig toy

Comfortable Bedding: Upgrade your small pet's habitat with comfortable, warm bedding for the winter.
Chewable Accessories: Small pets like rabbits and guinea pigs will appreciate chewable toys that keep their teeth in good shape.

4. For the Feathered Friends:
toys for birds

Interactive Toys: Birds enjoy toys that they can peck at or dismantle. Look for colorful, safe options.
Perches and Swings: Enhance your bird's cage with new perches or swings for added fun and exercise.

Personalized Gifts: 

Add a personal touch with customized gifts like a collar with your pet's name or a custom portrait. Personalized gifts are a great way to show your love and make your pet feel extra special.

Safety First:
Always consider the safety of the gifts you choose. Avoid small parts that can be swallowed and ensure that all materials are non-toxic and pet-friendly.

Christmas is a time of giving and sharing joy, and our pets deserve to be a part of that. Whether it's a new toy, a cozy bed, or a personalized accessory, the perfect gift can make your pet's holiday season as special as they make every day for you. Remember, the best gift you can give your pet is your love and attention. Happy holidays and happy gifting!

Friday, December 8, 2023

Keeping Your Pet Healthy and Safe

 With all the news going around about this "mysterious" illness affecting dogs, it seems like a good time to talk about routine pet care and staying ahead of any problems that may occur.

The "Mysterious" Illness in Dogs
We discussed this illness before in the previous post and you can read that here.

When you adopt a pet, it is a life-long (for the pet) commitment. You assume total responsibility for the care and health of that animal. In return, the pet will love you and look up to you and obey you. We all know that having a pet is a wonderful experience. Pets enrich your life more than anyone can say.

One of the things we need to do is be organized about keeping them healthy, the same way we do for keeping our children healthy and safe. In that vein, you need some type of way to keep up with routine health items.  Having a checklist for the normal and routine things you need to do is a time saver and I have created a simple checklist for you here.  Just click this link to get a copy

As for this "mystery illness" going around, there are some things you can do to be proactive and try to protect your pet. 

1. Know your pet's normal demeanor--By being familiar with what is normal behavior, you will be alerted when something is "off".

Here are a list of things to look for:

Dog respiratory illness symptoms include:
  • Coughing and sneezing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Rapid breathing
  • Wheezing or nasal whistling
  • Dehydration
  • Difficulty exercising
  • Fever
  • Nasal or eye discharge
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Lethargy

Experts encourage dog owners to contact their veterinarians immediately if any of the symptoms occur, especially those that can lead to pneumonia.

2. Make sure you are feeding quality food to your pet.  I am aware that we all are suffering from this economy, but food is really not a good place to cut back.  We really are what we eat, so quality in makes quality life.

dog park

3.Try to limit or eliminate totally having your pet interacting with strange or unfamiliar animals. Just like during the pandemic, we had to limit our interactions with others.  Pets can't wear masks or use antiseptice hand cleaners, so the next best thing is to keep them isolated as much as possible.

4. If your pet goes to a groomer or a daycare facility, be sure to ask them about the measures they are taking to prevent outbreaks of illness to pets there. They should be aware of this situation and they should be doing something to prevent their clients from becoming sick.

dog grooming

5. Have the numbers of both your regular veterinarian as well as a 24 hour ER veterinarian available in case you need them.  In emergencies, every second matters and you don't want to lose time searching for these.

6. If you pet becomes sick, put that pet into some type of quarentine if you are a multiple pet household.  There is so much unknown about this illness that you don't want to take any chances with your family.

7. Don't panic. Your pet will respond to your emotional state and become agitated and frightened if you are in a frenzy. Remain calm, treat the symptoms and get your pet seen by the vet as soon as humanly possible.

8. Know that this illness requires agressive treatment and the cost will be high, so be prepared for the bill.  If possible, have pet insurance on your pet, or at least have a credit account you can use for emergencies.

paying the vet

The news about this illness is not good, except for the number of dogs dying is not astronomically high. There have been deaths but unfortunately it happens. The current thought by vets all across the country is that the sooner you catch it, the better the outcome. So, know your pets.


Friday, December 1, 2023

Unraveling the Mystery: Understanding the New Illness Affecting Dogs

In recent times, a new, mysterious illness has been emerging in the canine world, raising concerns among pet owners and veterinarians alike. This illness, still unnamed and not fully understood, has been observed in various locations, leading to a growing need for awareness and understanding among dog lovers.

I have been aware of this illness for some time due to a video posted online by The Asher House. Mr. Asher has a YouTube channel that features him talking about his rescue efforts and introducing the myriad dogs he has living on his sanctuary. It is obvious to anyone who watches him that he loves these dogs and wants them to live healthy and happy lives.

But, back 3 months ago, he talked about how the animal community in Oregon was being hit by a mysterious disease for dogs.  His dogs were becoming sick at an alarming rate.  Several of his dogs died from this illness, but due to the fact that he takes in sick, old, and disabled dogs to his sanctuary, he felt that was unavoidable. He posted several videos about what was going on in Oregon and with his dogs. He worked tirelessly with the Veterinarians in Oregon including those at the Veterinary College. 

As far as we know, Oregon was the first state hit, however now this illness has crept into numerous states at an alarming rate. Here is a map showing the states involved so far:

A map of U.S. states showing those where a new, mystery respiratory illness has been reported among the local dog population, as of November 22, 2023. States marked in red are where cases have been officially confirmed, while those in cream are where cases have been reported but not confirmed.NEWSWEEK/GETTY

What We Know So Far
Sick dog

The symptoms of this illness are varied, but some common signs have been noted. Affected dogs have shown:

  • - Unusual lethargy and lack of energy
  • - Loss of appetite
  • - Unexplained weight loss
  • - Gastrointestinal issues like vomiting or diarrhea
  • - Respiratory problems in some cases

Veterinarians have been working tirelessly to understand the root cause of these symptoms. While it's still early in the investigation, there are no clear links to any specific breed, age, or environmental factors.

Theories and Investigations

Several theories are being explored to understand this mysterious illness:

1. Viral Infection: Similar to how the canine influenza virus operates, a new virus could be responsible for these symptoms. Researchers are conducting extensive tests to identify any new viral strains.

2. Environmental Toxins: There's a possibility that environmental factors, such as toxins or allergens, could be triggering these symptoms. This theory is being explored through geographical analysis of affected cases.

3. Dietary Causes: Given the gastrointestinal symptoms, a dietary link hasn't been ruled out. This includes potential reactions to certain ingredients in dog foods or treats.

4. Genetic Factors: Although there's no clear breed-specific pattern, genetic predispositions to certain illnesses could play a role.

What Dog Owners Should Do

While the investigation continues, dog owners are advised to be vigilant. If you notice any of the above symptoms in your dog, it's crucial to consult your veterinarian immediately. Early detection and supportive care can make a significant difference.

The Role of the Veterinary Community

Veterinarians are on the frontline of this situation, not only providing care but also collecting data to help understand the illness. They are working in collaboration with various health organizations and research institutes to fast-track the identification of the cause.

Staying Informed and Prepared

As a dog owner, staying informed is vital. Follow updates from reputable sources such as veterinary associations and animal health organizations. Additionally, maintaining regular veterinary check-ups and a healthy lifestyle for your dog is more important than ever.

This new mystery illness in dogs is a reminder of the ever-evolving landscape of animal health. It underscores the importance of ongoing research, surveillance, and the bond between veterinarians and pet owners in ensuring the well-being of our beloved canine companions. As we await more concrete information, vigilance and proactive care remain our best tools.

Listed below are articles I found about what is happening for you to read and learn how to protect your dog(s).


Friday, November 24, 2023

Pets and Holidays: Things to do with your pets

With holidays, it is always fun to find ways to include your pets in the celebration.  They are, after all, part of the family and should be actively involved in family activities.  That said, sometimes it is hard to find ways to do this that are fun for your both and will be safe for your pet.  

Your pets

Since most of us own dogs or cats (no offense to the mice, gerbil, parrot, ferret, pig, etc.) here are a few ideas for you to consider this holiday season to help include your baby in all the family festivities.

Holiday Photo Shoot: 

Almost everyone love to dress up their pets for holidays, so dress up your pets in festive attire and have a holiday-themed photo session. This can be a fun way to create lasting memories and adorable holiday cards.

Pet-Friendly Holiday Treats: 
Pet friendly treats

While you are making special foods for the family, don't forget your babies. Bake or buy special holiday treats that are safe for pets. You can find recipes for dog or cat-friendly cookies and cakes online, and you pet will love them (be sure to check the ingredients for things that might be harmful). Here is a list of foods to avoid.

Gift Exchange: 

Include your pets in the gift-giving tradition. Get them new toys, comfy beds, or special treats and let them unwrap their gifts. If you hide a treat in the wrapping, your pet can smell it and will gladly unwrap the present to find it.

Holiday Walks: 
holiday dog walks

It is always fun to walk around the neighborhood to look at the holiday lights. Take your pets for the walks with you to see the lights and decorations. Make sure they are comfortably dressed for the weather. If you drive to see the lights and decorations, consider taking your dog along for the ride.  Your pet will enjoy the time spent with you.

Pet-Friendly Parties: 

If you're hosting a holiday party, create a pet-friendly space where your pets can interact with guests. Ensure that all foods and decorations in this area are safe for pets. Or, if your guests have pets, maybe consider a small party in advance of the holiday, to hold a pet meet-and-greet type party to see if they can all get along and be part of the holiday celebration.

Visit a Pet-Friendly Event: 

Look for pet-friendly holiday events in your area, such as markets or festivals where pets are welcome. Most places have these and taking your pet to visit with you is a wonderful way to enjoy both.  You will meet many people because you have your pet. It is a proven fact that walking around with a dog is a good way to interact with other people at events.

Create a Holiday Playlist: 

Some pets enjoy music, so you could create a holiday playlist with calming or festive tunes to play for them. Cats seem to enjoy watching TV, so find some holiday themed viewing for them.  Some dogs will watch TV if there is a lot of movement on the screen, so look for that for your dogs. This will help keep them busy while you are preparing for the gathering.

Decorate Together: 

Let your pets be part of the decorating process. Make sure all decorations are pet-safe and avoid small, ingestible items. This is only practical if your pet has a calm demeanor and enjoys this type of activity.  You know your pet best.

Charity Work: 

Holiday visits

Involve your pet in charity work, like visiting a nursing home or hospital (if allowed). It can bring joy to others and be a fulfilling experience for you and your pet. Taking your dog or cat to a nursing home will give them a chance to interact with people that will love on them and make them very happy.  At the same time, you may be making a lonely person very happy too.

I hope this list of things to do with your pets on the holidays inspires you to include your babies in the family festivities. They will enjoy all the attention and all the special treats, for sure.

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