Showing posts with label tailess breed of cat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tailess breed of cat. Show all posts

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Answers to the Cat Quiz Video

 I'm so glad you decided to play with us.  I hope you enjoyed the video, but if you missed it you can find it here: .

I know it was just a quick, 5 question quiz, but it was fun and fast.  I plan to make several more of these fast quizes to see how much we really know about our pets.

pet indoor cats

I may even make some quizzes about strange animals all over the world that you may not really know much about. I would hope such a quiz would inspire you to learn more about the animals we share this world with.

Here are the answers to the quiz:

1. The average lifespan of an indoor cat is 20-25 years.  The lifespan of an outdoor cat is 5-7 years.

2. The breed of cat known for a lack of tail is the Manx. There are actually scientific studies ongoing right now to determine why they have no tail.

3. Your cat has an average of 24 whiskers total.  12 whiskers on either side of the face. Cats use whiskers to determine where they are in relation to their environment and they use it to detect motion and air currents.

4. This was my favorite. A group of kittens is called a Kindle.  Isn't that cute?

5. The least developed sense a cat has is its sense of taste. It has fewer taste buds on its tongue and cannot taste any sweet taste.

So, how did you do? Please leave me a comment and tell me.  I so enjoy these little quizzes and I hope you do too.  Come back soon for the next one.  Who knows what it will be on?

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