Showing posts with label Fires. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fires. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Satchmo is sick again

My baby is currently at the vet getting an ultasound done.  He had a seizure the other night and scared me to death.  While I will post more when I know more, I thought I'd like to post something here to remind us all about the pets who need help in the flooded, tornadoe ridden, fire burning disasters across our nation.  This article is from the ASPCA and I hope you will read it and consider becoming a donor to enable them to continue doing such good deeds.  I gave up some extras to be able to donate monthly and I hope you will too.

Flooding in Coralville, IAImage by U.S. Geological Survey via Flickr 
ASPCA Responders Rescue Animals in Flood, Tornado Areas

flood When tornadoes and floods hit states across the Midwest and South, the ASPCA Field Investigations and Response Team kicked into gear, dispatching teams to those areas to help rescue and shelter animals.

In Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee and Kentucky, ASPCA responders have been working to provide shelter for pets whose families were evacuated from their homes, as well as perform water rescue operations to save stranded or abandoned animals.

"We see entire communities flooded—animals are stranded on dog houses, in trees and other small patches of dry space," says Tim Rickey, ASPCA Senior Director of Field Investigations and Response. "For many of these victims, rescue is their only hope."

In addition, we were able to send crucial supplies to other flood- and tornado-ravaged locations. Through our partnership with PetSmart Charities, the ASPCA is coordinating efforts to provide supplies like food, crates and blankets to animal groups in Alabama and other hard-hit areas.

We’re also assisting affected communities through grants; last week we helped the Greater Birmingham Humane Society obtain a transport vehicle that will allow the group to rescue animals throughout the state.

And through our exciting new Animal Relocation Initiative, we’re transporting homeless animals from overcrowded shelters in the disaster areas to regions of the country that can accommodate these resilient pets. In turn, overburdened shelters will be able to house even more local animals.

Earlier this month, 46 dogs traveled from eastern Arkansas shelters to facilities in Kansas and Colorado. Then, 70 dogs from parts of Georgia and South Carolina devastated by tornadoes were transported to New York and New Jersey. Several transport companies stepped forward to help move the animals to their new shelters, where they’ll soon be available for adoption.

Says ASPCA Senior Director of Community Outreach Sandy Monterose: “A natural disaster like flooding creates immediate hardship in a community. By collaborating with other groups and using our resources strategically, we can respond to shelters and animals in need, creating a safety net. It’s part of the fabric of animal sheltering.”

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