Friday, September 22, 2023

Best Dogs for Apartment Living: It’s Not Always About Size!

Living in an apartment comes with its challenges for pet owners. However, selecting the right dog breed can lead to a harmonious coexistence in compact spaces. While size is an obvious factor, temperament, energy levels, and noise tendencies also play a crucial role. Here's a tailored list of the best dogs for apartment dwellers, taking all these factors into consideration.

We covered some of these before when we talked about the best dogs for seniors. Obviously, not all of these fit that bill, but the ones listed here are perfectly adapted to apartment living and will make you great

1. Great Dane
great Dane


  • Temperament: Gentle giants known for their calm and laid-back nature.
  • Exercise: Despite their size, they have moderate energy levels and are often couch potatoes.


  • Size: They take up space and need a larger resting area.
  • Health: Prone to certain genetic conditions due to their size.

2. Greyhound


  • Energy Levels: Surprisingly, retired racing greyhounds are calm and enjoy lounging.
  • Size: Sleek and slim, they fit well in most spaces.


  • Exercise: Need short bursts of regular outdoor runs.
  • Sensitivity: Have thin coats and can be sensitive to cold.

3. Bulldog (English, French, and Boston)


  • Size: Stocky but compact for apartments.
  • bulldog
    Temperament: Generally calm and enjoy napping.


  • Health: Can have respiratory issues and hip dysplasia.
  • Heat Sensitivity: They can't tolerate high heat.

4. Havanese


  • Size: Small stature perfect for apartments.
  • Personality: Sociable and loves being with their family.


  • Grooming: Requires consistent grooming.
  • Separation Anxiety: They don't like being left alone for long periods.

5. Basenji


  • Noise: Known as the "barkless dog," great for noise-sensitive neighbors.
  • Size: Compact and adaptable.


  • Energy: High energy and needs consistent stimulation.
  • Stubbornness: Can be a bit independent and stubborn.

6. Poodle (Toy and Miniature)


  • Intelligence: Smart and easily trainable.
  • Coat: Minimal shedding, great for keeping the apartment clean.


  • Grooming: Requires regular professional grooming.
  • Energy: Active and need daily mental and physical stimulation.

7. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

  • Size: Small and suitable for compact spaces.
  • Temperament: Gentle and affectionate.


  • Health: Can have certain hereditary health issues.
  • Grooming: Regular brushing is needed.

8. Shih Tzu
Shih Tzu


  • Size: Small stature works well for apartments.
  • Coat: Doesn't shed much.


  • Grooming: Requires frequent grooming sessions.
  • Training: Can be a tad stubborn during training sessions.

9. Whippet


  • Size: Medium-sized but slim and adaptable.
  • Temperament: Calm indoors and energetic outdoors.


  • Sensitivity: Sensitive to cold due to thin skin.
  • Exercise: Need space or a park for running.

10. Tibetan Spaniel
Tibetan Spaniel


  • Size: Compact and perfect for smaller living spaces.
  • Personality: Intelligent, happy, and alert.


  • Independence: Can be somewhat aloof with strangers.
  • Training: Need consistent training methods.

When choosing a dog for apartment living, ensure you meet its mental and physical needs, and you'll have a happy apartment companion. Most dogs require training of some kind to make sure they are socialized and happy. Training that stimulates their brains as well as teaches them the rules of living in an apartment is exactly what they need. This link for Brain Training for Dogs is exactly what you may want to get. It is cost effective, easy to follow and your dog will love it. (This is an affiliate link, but there is no extra cost to you. If you purchase through this link, the company will give me a small stipend for the referral.)

Friday, September 15, 2023

Separation Anxiety in Pets: Understanding, Treating, and Coping

Separation anxiety is a common behavioral issue observed in pets, particularly dogs and cats. It manifests when pets become overly attached or dependent on their owners and experience distress in their absence. This distress can lead to destructive behaviors, excessive barking or meowing, and even self-harm in severe cases. Understanding the root causes, identifying the symptoms, and implementing effective treatments are crucial for the well-being of both the pet and the owner.

separation anxiety in dogs

Understanding Separation Anxiety in Pets

Root Causes: Separation anxiety can stem from various reasons. A sudden change in the owner's routine, a traumatic event, or even a change in residence can trigger this condition. Puppies or kittens that were weaned off too early or those that have faced prolonged periods of isolation are more prone to develop separation anxiety.

Symptoms: Common signs include: 

  •    - Destructive behavior like chewing furniture or shoes.
  •    - Excessive barking, howling, or meowing.
  •    - Pacing in a fixed pattern or path.
  •    - Attempting to escape from the house or confinement area.
  •    - Urinating or defecating indoors.
  •    - Excessive salivation or drooling.

Dealing with Separation Anxiety

Gradual Desensitization: Start by leaving your pet alone for short periods and gradually increase the duration. This helps them get used to your absence without getting anxious.

Interactive Toys: Invest in toys that stimulate your pet's mind and keep them occupied. Puzzle toys or toys that dispense treats can be particularly effective.

There are so many wonderful interactive toys available on Amazon, so don't hesitate to explore and maybe purchase a few for your pet.

Safe Space: Create a designated 'safe space' for your pet. This could be a particular room or a corner with their favorite

Avoiding Overstimulation: When leaving or returning home, try to keep your greetings calm and low-key. Overexcited departures or arrivals can exacerbate feelings of anxiety for your pet.

Consistent Routine: Pets thrive on routine. Feeding, walking, playtime, and bedtime should be consistent. This predictability can help reduce anxiety.

Training: Basic obedience training can instill confidence in your pet. Commands like 'sit', 'stay', and 'down' can distract them from anxious behaviors and give them a sense of purpose.

Ways to Treat Separation Anxiety

Professional Training: If the anxiety is severe, consider hiring a professional dog trainer or behaviorist who specializes in separation anxiety. They can provide tailored strategies and solutions.

There is a wonderful online program called Brain Training For Dogs that you might want to consider to help you deal with this issue.  This program specifically aims to stimulate your pet and help him learn how to self-soothe. If interested, please check it out (this is an affiliate link, but it does not cost you any extra money.  I simply get a few dollars if you purchase it.)

Medication: In extreme cases, and under the guidance of a veterinarian, certain medications can be prescribed to help alleviate symptoms of anxiety.

Alternative Therapies: Techniques such as massage therapy, aromatherapy with calming essential oils, and even calming wraps or shirts can be beneficial for some pets.

Coping with the Aftermath

Patience is Key: Understand that overcoming separation anxiety is a process. Celebrate small victories and be patient with setbacks.

Stay Informed: Continuously educate yourself about separation anxiety. The more you know, the better equipped you'll be to handle it.

Seek Support: Join pet owner groups or forums where you can share experiences and learn from others who have faced similar challenges.

Damage Control: If your pet has been destructive due to their anxiety, ensure they are safe from any harmful substances or sharp objects. Consider pet-proofing certain areas of your home.

Separation anxiety in pets is a challenging issue, but with understanding, patience, and the right strategies, it can be managed. Remember, your pet's well-being is intertwined with your own. By addressing their anxiety, you not only improve their quality of life but also strengthen the bond you share with them.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

The Best Dogs for Seniors

As we journey into our senior years, the companionship of a loyal canine can be both comforting and invigorating. For seniors, the right dog can offer not only affection but also numerous health benefits, including reduced stress, increased physical activity, and improved mental well-being. 

However, the key lies in selecting the right breed that aligns with a senior's lifestyle, energy levels, and living situation. Here we'll explore the top dog breeds that are particularly suited for seniors, emphasizing why they make such excellent companions.

It is important to note that anytime you get a dog, you need to include the plan to do some training to make living together agreeable for you both.  Dogs need to learn what you want from them and you need to understand your dog. To accomplish this, you might want to look into dog training, either online or at a store.  Here is a link to an online training that uses positive reinforcement and games to teach your dog how to behave at home (this is an affiliate link, but will not cost you any extra money).

1.Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Why they're ideal for seniors: Their gentle nature and moderate energy levels make them perfect companions for seniors. They thrive on human interaction and are incredibly affectionate.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Care required: Regular grooming and daily walks.


  • - Prone to certain health issues like mitral valve disease and hip dysplasia.
  • - Their affectionate nature means they can suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for extended periods.

2.Bichon Frise

Why they're ideal for seniors: Bichons are cheerful, adaptable, and known for their friendly disposition. Their small size makes them manageable for most seniors.

Bichon Frise
Care required: Frequent grooming and moderate exercise.


  • - Their white coat can stain easily, requiring frequent cleaning.
  • - Prone to dental issues, so regular dental care is essential.

3.Poodle (Toy & Miniature)

Why they're ideal for seniors: Poodles are intelligent and hypoallergenic, making them great for seniors with allergies. Their eager-to-please nature makes them easy to train.

Poodle (Toy & Miniature)

Care required: Regular grooming and mental stimulation.


  • - Can be stubborn and require consistent training.
  • - Prone to certain genetic health issues, including hip dysplasia and progressive retinal atrophy.

4. Shih Tzu

Why they're ideal for

Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus are calm, affectionate, and thrive in apartment settings, making them perfect for seniors living in smaller spaces.

Care required: Daily grooming and short walks.


  • - Their long coat requires daily grooming to prevent matting.
  • - Can be stubborn during training sessions.

5. Maltese

Why they're ideal for seniors: Maltese dogs are gentle and love to be pampered, making them great lap dogs for seniors looking for a close companion.

Care required: Daily grooming and indoor play.



  • - Their fine hair can mat easily if not groomed regularly.
  • - Can be vocal and bark at unfamiliar sounds or strangers.

 6. Pug

Why they're ideal for seniors: Pugs are low-energy, affectionate, and have a charming, playful demeanor that can bring joy to any senior's day.

Care required: Minimal grooming and short daily walks.



  • - Prone to breathing difficulties due to their flat faces.
  • - Susceptible to obesity, so diet and exercise need to be monitored

7. Chihuahua

Why they're ideal for seniors: Chihuahuas are tiny, low-maintenance, and often form deep bonds with their owners, making them great companions for seniors.

Care required: Occasional grooming and indoor play.



  • - Can be territorial and might not get along with other pets or children.
  • - Their small size makes them fragile, so they can be injured easily.

8. Boston Terrier

Why they're ideal for seniors: Boston Terriers are friendly, adaptable, and require minimal grooming, making them easy to care for.

Boston Terrier
Care required: Moderate exercise and occasional grooming.


  • - Also prone to breathing issues because of their short snouts.
  • - Can be quite energetic, requiring regular play sessions.

9. Lhasa Apso

Why they're ideal for seniors: Lhasa Apsos are loyal, alert, and make excellent companions, especially for seniors who prefer a dog with a bit of independence.

Care required: Regular grooming and daily walks.

Lhasa Apso


  • - Can be wary of strangers and might take time to warm up to new people.
  • - Their long coat requires consistent grooming.

10. West Highland White

Why they're ideal for seniors: Westies are lively, friendly, and make excellent watchdogs, ensuring that seniors feel both entertained and secure.

Care required: Regular grooming and moderate exercise.

West Highland White Terrier


  • - Prone to skin issues, so regular check-ups and grooming are essential.
  • - Can be stubborn and might require a firm hand during training.

For seniors, the journey to find the perfect canine companion can be both exciting and rewarding. The breeds listed above are particularly suited for seniors due to their temperament, size, and care requirements. 

While each of these breeds offers numerous benefits for seniors, it's essential to be aware of potential drawbacks. By understanding both the pros and cons, seniors can make an informed decision about which breed aligns best with their lifestyle and capabilities.

Friday, September 1, 2023

The Silent Victims: Pets in Domestic Abuse Situations

Domestic abuse is a harrowing reality for countless individuals worldwide. While the focus is often on the human victims, there's another group that suffers silently: pets. Animals, much like humans, can become victims of abuse, neglect, and violence in tumultuous households. This article delves into the plight of pets in domestic abuse situations and explores what happens to them when the abused individual decides to leave.

pets and abuse

1. Pets as Targets in Abusive Relationships

Pets often play a significant role in abusive relationships. Abusers may harm or threaten to harm a pet to manipulate, control, or retaliate against their partner. Some reasons include:

  • - Control and Power: Abusers may use pets as a tool to exert control over their victims. By threatening or harming the pet, they can manipulate the victim's actions and emotions.
  •  - Emotional Blackmail: Pets are often deeply loved family members. Abusers know this and may harm pets to emotionally torment their victims.
  •   - Isolation: By harming or threatening a pet, abusers can further isolate their victims, making them more dependent and less likely to seek help.

2. The Impact on Pets
pet cruelty from abusers

Just like humans, pets can suffer both physically and psychologically from abuse:

  • - Physical Harm: Pets may sustain injuries, ranging from bruises and cuts to broken bones or even death.
  •  - Psychological Trauma: Animals can develop anxiety, depression, and behavioral issues due to the constant stress and trauma.
  • - Neglect: In tumultuous households, pets might not receive adequate food, water, or medical care.

3. The Dilemma of Leaving
not without my pet

One of the most challenging decisions for victims of domestic abuse is whether to leave the abusive environment. This decision becomes even more complicated when pets are involved:

  • - Shelter Limitations: Many domestic violence shelters do not have the facilities to accommodate pets. This leaves victims with the heart-wrenching choice of leaving their pets behind or staying in the abusive situation.
  •  - Fear for the Pet's Safety: Victims might fear that if they leave, the abuser will harm or neglect the pet as retaliation.

4. What Happens to Pets When Victims Leave?
animal safe houses

When a victim decides to leave an abusive situation, several things can happen to their pets:

  • - Left Behind: If the victim cannot find a safe place for their pet, they might have to leave them behind, at least temporarily.
  •   - Safe Havens: Some organizations and shelters offer "safe haven" programs where pets can be temporarily housed while the victim seeks refuge and stability.
  •  - Foster Care: There are networks of volunteers willing to provide temporary foster care for pets of abuse victims.
  •   - Permanent Rehoming: In some cases, it might be safest for the pet to be permanently rehomed, especially if the victim cannot ensure the pet's safety in the future.

5. The Importance of Support Systems
support systems for pets and abuse victims

Recognizing the bond between victims and their pets, many organizations are now offering support:

  • - Pet-Friendly Shelters: Some shelters have started to create pet-friendly spaces or partner with local animal shelters to provide temporary housing for pets.
  •   - Legislation: Some states have passed laws that include pets in protective orders, ensuring they are safe from abusers.
  •   - Awareness and Education: Raising awareness about the plight of pets in abusive situations can lead to more resources and support for victims and their animals.

Pets, like humans, deserve to live in safe, loving environments. Recognizing the role they play in domestic abuse situations is crucial to providing support and resources for both human and animal victims. 

As a society, it's our responsibility to advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves and ensure that every member of a household, whether on two legs or four, is safe from harm.

Friday, August 25, 2023

The Ultimate Guide to House Training Your Puppy

When you get a new puppy, the most frustrating thing you will be faced with is teaching the baby to go potty outside and not in the house.  Puppies don't have a clue about houses and rules.  In the wild, their mother would teach them the place to relieve themselves; but your baby doesn't have that option.  You, then, need to step up and teach that baby where to go without anger and without pain.  There are definable steps you need to take if you want to make this a success and help your puppy learn to live with the family inside the house.

We've explored this topic before along with other training issues here, Essential Training for Your Pets.

Let's look at these steps in order:

potty training

Establish a Consistent Schedule

A predictable routine is key to successful house training. Feed your puppy on a set schedule, which will help you anticipate when they'll need to go outside. Most puppies need to eliminate after eating, waking up, and playing. 

Additionally, consider where your puppy sleeps. A small wire crate next to your bed is ideal. This not only helps with house training but also strengthens the bond between you and your pup. For daytime activities, a larger crate in the area where you spend the most time can be beneficial.

Utilize the Crate Effectively

crate training a puppy

A crate is not just a containment tool; it's a valuable asset in housebreaking. Dogs naturally avoid soiling their sleeping areas. Ensure the crate is appropriately sized – your puppy should be able to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably, but not have so much space that they can eliminate in one corner and sleep in another.

Learn Your Puppy's Signals

Just as humans show signs when they need to use the restroom, so do puppies. Common cues include sniffing around, circling, or showing restlessness. By identifying these signals early on, you can preemptively take your puppy outside before an accident occurs. This can only be successful if you are consistent and watchful, so if you cannot watch your pet, be sure to crate him until you are able to be mindful of his needs.

Address Accidents the Right Way

Accidents will happen. When they do, it's crucial to clean them up promptly using an enzymatic cleaner. This type of cleaner breaks down the molecules in urine and feces, eliminating the scent and reducing the chance your puppy will return to the same spot.

Remember, punishing a puppy for accidents is counterproductive. Instead, focus on prevention and positive reinforcement.

Embrace Positive Reinforcement

positive reinforcement training

Every time your puppy does their business outside, celebrate the achievement! Praise them enthusiastically and consider giving them a treat. This positive reinforcement will help them associate going outside with rewards, making them more likely to wait to be let out in the future.

Consistency is Key: Use Verbal Cues and Designated Areas

Select a specific phrase, like "Go potty," and use it consistently every time you take your puppy outside. This verbal cue will help them understand what's expected. Additionally, choose a designated potty area in your yard. Over time, your puppy will learn that this is their bathroom spot.

How Long Does House Training Take?

The duration of the housebreaking process can vary. While most puppies can be fully housebroken by 4-6 months of age, some might take longer. The key is to remain patient and consistent.

How Often Should Puppies Go Out?

According to experts, puppies should be taken outside at least every two hours. This frequency increases after activities like playing, eating, or drinking. As your puppy matures, they'll be able to hold it in for longer periods.

House training your puppy is a journey that requires dedication, patience, and love. By following these steps and understanding your puppy's needs, you'll create a harmonious living environment for both of you.


(1) How to Housebreak Your Puppy in 5 Steps - The Spruce Pets.

(2) 7 Best Tips on How to Housebreak a Puppy - Wag!.

(3) 7 Trainer-Approved Tips for Housebreaking a Puppy - Vetstreet.

(4) Housebreaking a Puppy or Older Dog in 6 Steps.

(5) How to housebreak your Labrador puppy - Otter Tail Kennels.

(6) How to Housebreak Your Puppy in 5 Steps - The Spruce Pets.

(7) How Long Does it Take to House Train a Puppy? | Canna-Pet®.

(8) What Is the Average Time for Housebreaking a Puppy?.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Black Animal Syndrome: The Overlooked Shelter Inhabitants


Have you ever wandered down the lines of a shelter looking at all the lost and abandoned animals there? You should.  It is an eye-opening experience and will probably cause you to rethink everything you know or thought you knew about having pets.  

Black Animal Syndrome

There is one "dirty little secret" in most shelters and that is that black animals rarely get adopted.  These are perfectly healthy, friendly, loveable, playful animals who, because of the color of their fur, are continually overlooked by most people.

This phenomenon, often dubbed the "Black Dog Syndrome" or "Black Cat Syndrome," highlights a disconcerting bias against darker-furred animals. But why does this happen, and how can we help these animals find their forever homes? 

Here is an article, "Black Dog Syndrome: Why Black Dogs Are Less Likely To Be Adopted" that talks about why this happens.

Why Black Dogs and Cats Are Overlooked 

1. Superstitions and Stigmas: Historically, black cats have been associated with superstitions, often being branded as omens of bad luck. Though these beliefs are largely outdated, remnants of these superstitions may linger in modern society, influencing adoption decisions.

Black Animal Syndrome

In the 21st century, it is disheartening to think that there is still superstitions and stigmas about black cats and dogs.  Surely we have moved way past that, but alas, I see we have not.  There is no reason to believe that a black animal is "cursed" or that it is "evil".  That is ridiculous.  These are living, breathing beings who deserve to have forever homes like any other animal.

2. Appearance in Photographs: Black animals, particularly in subpar lighting conditions, don’t photograph as well as their lighter counterparts. Their features can blend together, making them less distinguishable in online listings.

This is unfortunate because shelters and rescues don't spend resources to have the animals professionally photographed.  It would seem that as an adult you would be able to see past the bad lighting and see the animal.  

3. Perceived Aggression: Some believe that darker animals appear more menacing, leading to unjust associations with aggression, particularly in breeds already contending with negative stereotypes.

black dog myths

This is a stereotype that is encouraged by media, but certainly not true.  I know that when you see an aggressive animal in a film, it will most likely be black.  However, aggression is not controlled by the color of the animal's fur.  It is determined by the treatment of the animal and the breeding.

4. Aging Appearance: Black fur can sometimes show signs of graying earlier, which can be misinterpreted as the animal being older than they actually are. All animals begin to have gray hair on the face by age 2, so this is plain, old fashion ageism at play.  Pets live long lives if taken care of properly, so 2 is a baby.

How to Help Black Dogs and Cats Find Their Forever Homes
reasons to adopt black dogs

1. Awareness: The first step is acknowledging the issue. By educating the public about this unintentional bias, we can help shift perceptions and encourage more adoptions of black animals.

2. Better Photography: Investing in professional photography can make a significant difference. Using brighter backgrounds, proper lighting, and showcasing their personalities can make black animals stand out in online listings.

3. Promotional Events: Shelters can host events highlighting black animals. Offering reduced adoption fees or themed events like “Black Fur Friday” can draw attention to these overlooked pets.

4. Storytelling: Sharing heartwarming stories of black animals and their successful adoption journeys can tug at potential adopters’ heartstrings.

5. Advocacy: Harness the power of social media. Sharing posts, pictures, and stories of black dogs and cats can increase their visibility.

6. Education: Dispel myths and superstitions associated with black pets. Inform potential adopters about the loving and gentle nature of these animals, irrespective of their color.

black cats matter

Black dogs and cats, like all animals, deserve loving homes. With concerted efforts and awareness, we can shift the narrative and ensure these animals are no longer overlooked. We can all do our part to remove the "Black Dog and Cat Syndrome" from our shelters and rescues and help these deserving animals all find forever homes if we do our parts.

No matter the color of the fur, please adopt from shelters and rescues instead of buying dogs.  This blog post tells you about the benefits of adoption and just how to go about doing so: Adopting a Dog: Things to Think About

Losing a Pet: What to do to deal with the grief

Losing a pet is an experience that cuts deep. These furry, feathered, or even scaled companions become part of our families, our daily routi...