Friday, June 2, 2023

Fostering Special Needs Pets

Today, we'll be diving into the world of fostering special needs pets and exploring the incredible rewards and unique challenges that come with this extraordinary act of compassion. Fostering special needs pets is a profoundly fulfilling experience that not only transforms the lives of these animals but also touches the hearts of the dedicated individuals who choose to open their homes and hearts to them.

Understanding Special Needs Pets:

Special needs pets encompass a wide range of animals, including those with physical disabilities, chronic illnesses, behavioral challenges, or emotional trauma. These animals require additional attention, care, and sometimes medical assistance. While their circumstances may present some challenges, it is important to remember that they possess the same capacity for love, joy, and companionship as any other pet.

"Owners of special needs pets are unique. Looking beyond certain disabilities, these people open their homes and their hearts, providing comfort and love to these highly adaptable animals. While pets with disabilities sometimes require higher levels of care, in many ways, they’re just like other pets." according to True Care Veterinary Hospital.

The Power of Fostering:

Fostering special needs pets serves as a lifeline for these vulnerable creatures, providing them with a temporary safe haven where they can heal, learn, and thrive. By opening your home to a special needs pet, you are offering them a second chance at life, allowing them to experience the love and care they deserve while they await their forever homes. Fostering not only provides immediate relief for animals in need but also helps shelters and rescue organizations create more space for other animals in crisis.

Rewards of Fostering Special Needs Pets:

  1. Unconditional Love: Special needs pets have an uncanny ability to love unconditionally, appreciating the care and affection they receive in extraordinary ways. Witnessing their resilience and their ability to find happiness despite their challenges is incredibly heartwarming.
  2. Personal Growth: Fostering special needs pets can be a transformative journey for individuals and families. It teaches empathy, patience, and resilience while challenging us to step outside our comfort zones. The lessons learned from fostering can extend far beyond the realm of pet care, positively influencing various aspects of our lives.
  3. Sense of Purpose: Fostering special needs pets allows you to make a significant impact in the lives of these animals. Knowing that you are providing comfort, stability, and rehabilitation to an animal in need instills a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment.
  4. Learning Opportunities: Fostering special needs pets often involves gaining knowledge about their specific conditions and requirements. You become a part of a supportive network, connecting with veterinarians, trainers, and other experienced fosters who can guide and assist you throughout the journey.

Challenges of Fostering Special Needs Pets:

While the rewards of fostering special needs pets are abundant, it's important to acknowledge and address the challenges that may arise. These challenges can include financial responsibilities, time commitment, emotional attachment, and the potential for heartbreak. However, with proper preparation, support, and self-care, these challenges can be effectively managed.

Here is a video about two delightful special needs kittens that were abandoned by their mother because of their problems:

Getting Started with Fostering:

If you're considering fostering special needs pets, there are a few key steps to follow:

  1. Research: Learn about the specific needs and requirements of the type of special needs pet you are interested in fostering. This will help you prepare your home and ensure you can provide the necessary care.
  2. Find a Reputable Organization: Connect with local animal shelters or rescue organizations that have programs specifically dedicated to fostering special needs pets. They can guide you through the fostering process, provide training, and offer ongoing support.
  3. Prepare Your Home: Create a safe and comfortable environment for your foster pet. Make necessary accommodations, such as providing mobility aids, implementing a routine, and securing any potentially hazardous areas.
  4. Seek Support: Reach out to experienced fosters, veterinarians, and trainers who can provide guidance and support. Connecting with other foster parents through support groups or online communities can be invaluable for sharing experiences and seeking advice.

Fostering special needs pets is an incredibly rewarding and life-changing experience. By providing love, care, and support to these animals, you become an integral part of their journey towards a brighter future. 

These animals are extremely resilient and adaptable as evidenced by this picture.  This baby learned to walk only on its front legs due to its deformity. The loss of back legs did not stop this dog from learning to walk.

While it may require dedication, patience, and compassion, the profound impact you make on the life of a special needs pet is immeasurable. So, consider opening your heart and home to a special needs pet and embark on an extraordinary adventure of love, healing, and growth. Together, we can create a world where every animal has a chance to experience the happiness and security they truly deserve.

If you watched the video posted earlier, here is the follow-up video for Otter after surgery:

Saturday, May 27, 2023

How to travel with your pet

When I was doing travel nursing, I drove across country two or three times to get to my jobs.  I did it alone as a single female, but I had my companion rat terrier traveling with me every time.

Taking a trip with your dog or cat does require preplanning and some extra steps, but traveling with your pets is doable and provides you with lots of memories and experiences that you will treasure forever.

Our pets live such short lives compared to us, so you need to spend as much quality time with them as you can.  My rattie is gone and I miss him dearly, but the time we spent traveling will always be in my memory.  My favorite memory is of him sitting up in the passenger seat in my pickup truck and getting excited every time a semi drove by him.  It was almost like a small child wanting to get the driver to blow the horn.  He would bounce up and down and bark out the window at the truck every time.  I would laugh and laugh at him until he finally settled back down.

There was even one time that we flew to California and back and that took quite a bit of arrangements to accomplish.  So, let's talk about the things you need to think about and do before you travel with your pet.  It is the same whether you drive, take a train, or bus, or if you fly.  These are the issues you need to address:

  1. Research policies for transporting pets because each company may have differing rules.
  2. Make sure your pet is current on vaccinations and has been vetted for health issues before you travel.
  3. Get a carrier that your pet will be comfortable in because most transportation will require them to be contained. There needs to be enough room for him to turn around and stand up in.

  4. Pack plenty of supplies for the trip.  Things like food and water, treats, beds or blankets, toys that your pet loves will make him feel more comfortable.
  5. Consider your pet's temperament.  If you pet gets anxious, consider some form of relaxant to help destress you pet. There are numerous calming aids on the market and your vet may also have recommendations.
  6. Be sure to make an emergency plan with contacts, veterinary clinics and vets along the way if you need them.
  7. Keep your pet controlled with a harness and leash anytime you are out of the vehicle to prevent accidents.
If taking a road trip, be sure to research pet friendly accommodations to stay at and plan your route to include pet friendly locations to share with your pet. Look for dog parks along the way to stretch their legs and exercise.  Find pet friendly restaurants and cafes where you and your pet can eat and watch people.  

Camping is always a fun outdoors experience to share with your pet and there are many pet friendly campsites to research.  Also check into national parks that allow pets that are leashed.

Dogs love beach locations, hiking trails, and some even love boat trips.  Decide what your pet can tolerate in terms of energy and anxiety around people.

I have to tell you that even with all the things you need to be sure to check out and all the things you have to do extra, traveling with your pet is an experience you will enjoy and look back on with fond memories forever.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

The Transformative Power of Pets: How Owning a Pet Boosts Your Mental Health

Owning a pet can bring immense joy, companionship, and unconditional love into our lives. But did you know that the benefits of having a pet extend beyond just companionship? Research has shown that pets play a significant role in improving our mental health and overall well-being. In this blog post, we will explore in-depth the various ways in which having a pet can positively impact our mental health.

Reducing Stress and Anxiety:

Emotional support: 

Pets provide a constant source of emotional support, offering a listening ear and non-judgmental companionship during challenging times. Whether it's a cat curling up on your lap or a dog resting its head on your lap, the presence of a pet can be incredibly comforting. Just petting or cuddling with a furry friend can release endorphins and reduce stress.

Stress reduction: 

Interacting with pets has been shown to lower levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol, leading to a more relaxed state of mind. Engaging in activities like playing fetch, grooming, or simply watching fish swim in an aquarium can distract us from our worries and help us unwind.

Calming presence: 

The simple act of stroking a pet can promote the release of oxytocin, a hormone associated with reducing stress and anxiety. The rhythmic motion of petting a cat or dog can have a soothing effect, slowing down our heart rate and inducing a sense of calm.

Alleviating Depression and Loneliness:

Combatting loneliness: 

Pets offer a sense of companionship, particularly for individuals living alone, helping to alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation. Their presence provides a constant source of comfort and emotional connection, reducing the risk of depression. Pets offer unconditional love and acceptance, creating a bond that can fill a void and provide a sense of purpose.

Increasing social interactions: 

Owning a pet can facilitate social interactions with fellow pet owners or during activities such as dog walks, which can enhance social connections and decrease depressive symptoms. Pets can act as conversation starters, breaking down barriers and making it easier to engage with others, ultimately reducing feelings of social anxiety and promoting a sense of belonging.

Responsibility and purpose: 

Taking care of a pet can provide a sense of purpose, promoting a daily routine and structure that can be especially beneficial for individuals struggling with depression. The responsibility of feeding, grooming, and exercising a pet gives a sense of accomplishment and a reason to get out of bed each day, instilling a sense of purpose and helping individuals focus on something beyond themselves.

Enhancing Physical Health:

Encouraging exercise: 

Dogs, in particular, require regular exercise, which promotes physical activity for their owners as well. Engaging in activities like walking, running, or playing with a pet can improve cardiovascular health and boost overall fitness. Regular exercise not only benefits physical health but also releases endorphins, improving mood and reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Lowering blood pressure: 

The presence of a pet has been associated with reduced blood pressure, leading to a lower risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular conditions. Studies have shown that simply petting a dog or cat for a few minutes can lower blood pressure and contribute to a healthier heart.

Boosting immunity: 

Pets, especially when introduced early in life, can have a positive effect on the development of a child's immune system. Research suggests that children exposed to pets are less likely to develop allergies and asthma. The presence of pets introduces a variety of microbes into the environment, which can help strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of allergies later in life.

Providing Emotional Support:

Unconditional love: 

Pets offer unconditional love and acceptance, creating a safe space for individuals to express their emotions freely without fear of judgment or rejection. They provide a non-judgmental presence and unwavering support, offering comfort during difficult times and helping to alleviate feelings of anxiety, sadness, or anger.

Emotional regulation: 

Interacting with a pet can help regulate emotions, providing comfort during times of distress and promoting a sense of emotional well-being. Petting a cat, for example, can release dopamine and serotonin, neurotransmitters associated with pleasure and happiness, helping to stabilize moods and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Mindfulness and presence: 

Caring for a pet encourages living in the present moment, focusing on their needs and providing an opportunity to practice mindfulness. Whether it's grooming, playing, or observing their behavior, pets can help us become more attuned to the present, promoting a sense of calm, reducing ruminating thoughts, and increasing overall mental well-being.

Promoting Emotional Development:

Developing empathy: 

Taking care of a pet requires understanding their needs and emotions, fostering empathy and compassion in pet owners. By being attuned to their pet's emotions, owners learn to recognize and respond to the feelings of others, promoting empathy not only towards animals but also towards fellow humans.

Building self-esteem: 

The sense of responsibility and the ability to provide for a pet's well-being can boost self-esteem and self-worth. As pet owners witness their pets thriving under their care, they gain a sense of accomplishment and pride, contributing to a positive self-image and increased self-confidence.

Sense of purpose: 

Owning a pet provides individuals with a purposeful role, as they become responsible for another living being. The daily tasks of feeding, grooming, and providing affection create a sense of fulfillment and happiness. A pet relies on the owner for their well-being, creating a reciprocal bond that fosters a sense of purpose and a feeling of being needed.

Having a pet can have a profound impact on our mental health, offering a range of benefits from stress reduction and alleviating loneliness to enhancing physical health and emotional well-being. The bond formed with a pet can provide us with companionship, unconditional love, and a sense of purpose. By reducing stress, combating loneliness, promoting physical health, providing emotional support, and fostering emotional development, pets contribute to a healthier and happier life. So, if you're considering adding a pet to your family, remember that they not only bring joy and laughter but also have the power to transform your mental well-being.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Disaster Preparedness for Pets: How to Keep Your Pets Safe


It is springtime here in Oklahoma and that always means bad weather and possible tornadoes. When you live here, you have to think about what to do and how to do it if there is a weather emergency.

It appalls me that so many people don't take care of their pets during any emergency. I do understand that you need to take care of yourself first before you can take care of any other being, but your pets depend on you to keep them safe, so you need to include them in your plans during any disaster.

During Katrina, my heart broke watching all those pets left behind to die or to suffer hunger and anxiety because they no longer know how to care for themselves. When we domesticated dogs, we made a pact with them that by bonding with us, we would be their pack leader and protect them.

You did not see much of that during Katrina. You often don't see much of that during any current emergency now either. We have taken away our pets ability to fend for themselves but in an emergency, we think they can take care of themselves. How does that work?

Anyway, today's post is all about disaster preparedness for your pets. As a pet owner, it's important to ensure that your family pet is protected during natural disasters and emergencies. Whether it's a tornado, hurricane, earthquake, or fire, you need to have a plan in place to keep your pet safe. Here's a guide to disaster preparedness for pets.

Creating a Disaster Preparedness Plan for Pets

The first step in disaster preparedness for pets is to create a plan. This should include a list of items to pack in an emergency kit, as well as a plan for evacuating your home with your pet.

  • Plan ahead: Take the time to research potential disasters in your area and the evacuation routes available to you and your pet. Create a list of potential shelters or hotels that are pet-friendly.
  • Prepare an emergency kit: Gather essential items for your pet such as food, water, medication, and identification. Additionally, include a leash, a carrier or crate, and a favorite toy or blanket.
  • Microchip your pet: Ensure your pet has proper identification, and consider microchipping your pet. This can help reunite you with your pet if you become separated.
  • Create an evacuation plan: Have a plan in place for evacuating your home with your pet. Decide on a meeting point outside the home in case you become separated, and practice the evacuation with your pet beforehand.
  • Stay informed: Stay informed about emergency alerts in your area and any updates from authorities. Have a battery-powered radio or mobile device to stay connected.

Taking Care of Your Pet During a Disaster

During a disaster, it's important to ensure that your pet stays safe and calm. Here are some tips to help you take care of your pet during an emergency:

  • Keep your pet with you: If you need to evacuate, take your pet with you. Never leave your pet behind.
  • Comfort your pet: Pets may become stressed or anxious during a disaster. Provide comfort by speaking softly and offering a familiar toy or blanket.
  • Monitor your pet's behavior: Keep an eye on your pet's behavior, as they may be frightened or disoriented. Be patient and provide reassurance.
  • Watch for hazards: After a disaster, watch out for hazards such as broken glass or sharp debris. Keep your pet on a leash or in a carrier to prevent them from getting injured.
  • Contact a veterinarian: If your pet is injured, contact a veterinarian as soon as possible. Keep a list of emergency contacts handy.

Creating a Pet-Friendly Emergency Kit

In addition to the items mentioned earlier, there are several other items you may want to include in your pet's emergency kit:

  • Disposable litter trays and litter
  • Disposable food and water bowls
  • Towels or blankets
  • First aid kit for pets
  • Waste bags
  • Paper towels
  • Extra collar and leash
  • Medications and medical records
  • Updated photos of your pet
  • Contact information for your veterinarian
                                    Get a free Pet Preparedness Tip Sheet here.

By being prepared, you and your family pets will be safe and secure during any emergency and you all will be able to return home together once it is safe to do so.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Fostering and Adopting Pets Saves Lives

I am a huge animal advocate.  Every dog I have ever owned was a rescue.  Every cat I ever owned was either a rescue or a stray that decided to live at my home. Pets are such incredible beings and we, as humans, treat them so off-handedly and callously.  They are so much more than "just animals".  They are sentient beings with feelings, thoughts, and desires just like us.  They even understand some of our language. I have written about the need to adopt from shelters here and here before so this post comes as no surprise to anyone.

We as a nation have a serious problem with over-population of pets.  Because of this, thousands of pets are killed every year in shelters.  These innocent lives are lost because of the ignorance of some people.  There is such an aversion to spay and neutering in this country and I can't understand it.  Research clearly shows that preventing unwanted pregnancies increases the lifespan, the health, and the happiness of pets.

Breeders should have to be licensed and educated on safe and ethical breeding practices.  Backyard breeders need to be banned; with heavy fines for every unwanted animal they discard like trash.

The alternative is to foster and/or adopt pets from shelters and rescues. This has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for a good reason. The simple act of taking in a homeless pet and providing it with a safe and loving home can make a significant difference in the life of an animal. Not only does fostering and adopting help animals, but it also helps to reduce the number of animals that are euthanized in shelters every year. Now, let's explore the benefits of fostering and adopting pets, and how it can save the lives of dogs and cats yearly.


According to the ASPCA, approximately 6.5 million companion animals enter animal shelters in the US each year. Out of this number, 3.3 million are dogs and 3.2 million are cats. Unfortunately, not all these animals get to find homes, and around 1.5 million are euthanized yearly. The sad reality is that these animals end up in shelters due to no fault of their own. They may have been abandoned, lost, or surrendered by their previous owners due to a change in circumstances. However, with the help of foster and adoptive families, these animals can find a new chance at life.

When a dog or cat is taken in by a foster or adoptive family, it frees up space in animal shelters, allowing them to take in more animals in need. This, in turn, helps to reduce the number of animals that are euthanized due to overcrowding. By fostering or adopting a pet, you can help to save the life of an animal that might have otherwise been put down.

Benefits of Fostering and Adopting

Fostering and adopting also provide a wide range of benefits for both the animals and their new families. Animals that have been through a traumatic experience such as being abandoned or surrendered often have behavioral issues that can make it harder for them to find permanent homes. 

By fostering a pet, you can provide them with a temporary home and help them overcome their issues. This, in turn, makes it easier for them to be adopted by a permanent family. Adopting a pet also comes with benefits such as providing companionship, reducing stress levels, and even improving physical health.

Another benefit of fostering and adopting is that you can save money compared to buying a pet. Most animal shelters charge a small fee for fostering or adopting a pet, which covers the cost of vaccinations, spaying or neutering, and other medical expenses. In contrast, buying a pet from a breeder can cost thousands of dollars, and the pet may not even be guaranteed to be healthy or free from genetic disorders.

Breeders and responsibilities

As stated earlier in this post, we need to look backyard breeders who put money ahead of the animals. This is unethical and usually ends badly for the animal and/or the person who "buys" that pet. You can help to reduce the demand for breeding pets simply by adopting or fostering from shelters. 

The breeding of dogs and cats for commercial purposes often results in inhumane treatment of animals, and many of the offspring are sold to pet stores or online marketplaces, which perpetuates the cycle. By fostering or adopting, you can help reduce the demand for breeding and promote the adoption of homeless pets.

So you see you can help to save the lives of dogs and cats yearly by providing a temporary or permanent home for an animal in need and you can help reduce the number of animals that are euthanized in shelters due to overcrowding.

 Additionally, fostering and adopting come with many benefits for both the animals and their new families. So, if you are considering getting a pet, I encourage you to look into fostering or adopting from your local animal shelter. You could be saving a life and making a significant difference in the life of an animal in need.

Friday, April 28, 2023

Why Adopting Senior Pets is the Perfect Choice

Both of my dogs are now seniors, but they continue to give me joy and love despite advancing age.  I know that my time with them is quite limited, but I intend to enjoy every minute I can with both of them.  My oldest is 15 years old and he has a heart condition.  My second is 14 years and she suffered pancreatitis not too long ago and almost died. 
So, believe me when I say, I understand the hesitancy of adopting senior pets. However, I also know the pleasure and love you receive from these older, more experienced pets.  Despite possible health conditions (most of which are treatable) an older pet still has love to give away and will do so willingly.
If you stop to think about it, the cost of adopting a senior pet is comparable to that of a puppy; but what you get is a developed personality who is already trained and able to live in your home without all the shenanigans that a puppy may bring.

A senior dog will not chew up all the things on the floor. They also are usually already house trained to potty outdoors.  They already understand many words and movements so communicating with them is easier. They are normally calm and can interact with small children without harming them.  They will be loyal to a fault because they appreciate having a home.

Think about what you must spend on a puppy.  Puppy shots, deworming, food, beds, toys, crate, chews, treats; then also consider the cost of replacing items that end up being chewed up or torn apart. Puppies end up being a costly choice.
When you get a senior, there are usually medical issues to consider, but current veterinary treatments can normally take care of most of those.  With a senior, you will probably need to get a bed, treats, chews if their teeth are good, special diet food, maybe medicine to treat them.  They also will require the same regular vet visits as a puppy would.  

When considered by cost, senior pets seem to be the best investment for your money.  Your return on investment is large in that you get a pet that fits right into your family without any drama and loves you unconditionally.
This post is all about the reasons to consider an older pet when you are looking to add to your family:
The Perks of Adopting Senior Pets
While puppies and kittens may be adorable, there are many reasons to consider adopting a senior pet instead. Not only will you give an older animal a second chance at happiness, but you'll also gain a wonderful companion who is already trained and full of affection.

Senior pets have so much love to give, and they often make the best companions. Unlike younger animals who require constant attention and training, senior pets are typically calmer and more laidback.

They have already developed their personality and know what they like - whether it's lounging on the couch or going for leisurely walks around the block. Plus, senior pets are often grateful for any attention or affection they receive, making them incredibly loyal and loving companions.

Why Adopt a Senior Pet?

One of the most significant advantages of adopting an older pet is their calm demeanor. Senior pets have usually lived with humans before, and they have already become accustomed to household routines, which means that they are less likely to be anxious or nervous in a new environment.

Furthermore, senior pets mostly sleep for more extended periods than young animals, which makes them great for those who want a relaxed lifestyle. They typically don't require as much exercise as younger animals, making them perfect for those with busy schedules.

The Importance of Giving Older Pets a Loving Home

Most people tend to overlook senior pets when it comes to adoption. In many cases, these animals have been surrendered by their previous owners due to age-related health issues or changes in lifestyle. As a result, senior pets often spend more extended periods in shelters without receiving adequate love and care.
Senior pets tend to settle quickly into new homes because they crave attention and affection from their owners. If you adopt an older pet, you'll provide them with the love and care they deserve while experiencing all the benefits that come with pet ownership.
What to Consider Before Adopting a Senior Pet
Adopting a senior pet can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Not only will you be giving an older animal a second chance at love, but you will also be rewarded with the companionship and joy that comes with taking care of a pet. However, before bringing home an older animal, it is important to take some time to think about your lifestyle and living situation in order to determine if adopting a senior pet is right for you.
10 Reasons to Adopt a Senior Pet

Assess Your Lifestyle

The first thing you should consider when thinking about adopting a senior pet is your lifestyle. Do you work long hours? Are you frequently away from home? If so, adopting an older pet may not be the best choice for you.

Senior pets may require extra attention and care, especially if they have medical issues or mobility problems. If you are unable to provide this type of care on a regular basis, then it may be better to adopt a younger animal instead.

Determine Energy Level and Medical Needs

Another important factor to consider before adopting a senior pet is their energy level and medical needs. Some older pets may still have plenty of energy and enjoy going on walks or playing fetch, while others may prefer quieter activities such as napping or cuddling on the couch. It's important to determine what type of energy level will fit into your lifestyle before bringing home a senior pet.
You should also consider any medical needs that the animal may have. Senior pets are more likely to have health issues than younger animals, so it's important to make sure that you are able and willing to provide them with appropriate veterinary care if needed.
This can include regular check-ups, medication management, or even specialized diets. By taking these factors into account, you can determine if adopting a senior pet is the right choice for you.
Remember, adopting a pet is a commitment, but it can also be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. If you are ready to provide an older animal with a loving home and the care they deserve, then adopting a senior pet may be the perfect choice for you.
Top 10 Reasons to Adopt a Senior Pet 

Adopting a senior pet can bring countless benefits to both the animal and their
new owner. These animals have already spent years being loyal companions to
their previous owners, and they have so much love left to give. Older pets are
typically more relaxed and less demanding than their younger counterparts,
making them ideal for those who may not have as much time or energy to devote
to training or grooming.

Additionally, senior pets often come with fewer surprises in terms of personality and behavior,
as they have already developed their own unique quirks that make them who they are. Adopting
a senior pet can also be incredibly rewarding for the owner. Watching an older animal flourish in a new environment and form a special bond with you can be life-changing. It's hard not to feel good about giving an aging pet the opportunity to experience love and comfort in their golden years.
The Benefits of Opening Your Heart to a Senior Pet

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Dental Care for Dogs and Cats

 Today is the day my 15 year old dog, Austen, goes to the Vet for his teeth to be cleaned.  It is way past due and I know he will lose some teeth, but at least he will be getting his teeth cared for properly.  Dental cleanings are truly very expensive in today's economy and many pet owners choose to skip them due to the cost.

Unfortunately, my Austen has a significant heart murmur and takes daily medication to prevent worsening of his heart muscles. Having a pre-existing condition, especially heart condition, makes dental care a top priority as infection in his mouth can travel into his heart and kill him (which I am not prepared to deal with yet).

He is my heart.  I love this dog very much and want to do everything I can do to help him stay healthy and happy for a few more years.  Since he is a small dog (14 lbs.) he should be able to live to 20 years if well cared for.  Not only do I give him daily medications, I also have him on special Veterinary prescribed food and treats.  We walk every day to keep his heart strong. I am doing as much as I can for his physical health and this has to include dental cleanings and care.

He had his pre-surgery lab work done and his labs are even better than my own! That made me happy to know that what we are doing is working.  Good lab results gave the vet a go-ahead for anesthesia during his dental cleaning.  Since he is a heart patient, the vet used anesthesia that is gentle on his heart. 

I followed the pre-op instructions and withheld food that morning, although I did get him to take his medication prior.  We made that short trip to the vet and the tech came out to get him.  As they were walking away, I began to cry.  I just wanted to grab him back and go home because I was so worried about him and this procedure.

I didn't grab him and left instead.  When I got home, I was a basket-case of nerves and anxiety, but I knew he was in very capable and competent hands and he really needed to have his teeth cleaned.

While I fretted, of course I researched online about what was happening to him and what to expect when he came home.  Here are some of the things I found out:
In the article, "Pet Dental Health Facts and Fiction", there is a list of several myths about dental cleaning and dental health for your pets.  Each of these fictions is discussed at length in the article.
  1. Fiction: Dental disease is only a problem of older pets.
  1. Fiction: It is impossible to effectively brush my pet’s teeth.
  1. Fiction: I can save money and get just as good results with non-anesthetic dental cleanings and they are better for my pet because they do not involve risky anesthetics.
  1. Fiction: I would know if my pet had a serious dental problem or painful mouth.
  1. Fiction: My pet can live with bad teeth, it just gives him/her bad breath.
  1. Fiction: I just give my dog bones and chew toys to chew on and that naturally cleans his/her teeth.
In another article, "9 Little-Known Facts About Dental Disease in Dogs and Cats",
the author talks about things you may not know about dental disease in animals. 

One such nugget of information is, "As many as 80% of dogs and 70% of cats have some form of periodontal disease by the time they’re just two years old[1]." This fact blew my mind. I did not know this! The other 8 facts are just a mind-blowing so be sure to read the article.

In another article, "Tips for Better Dental Health in Dogs", the author gives 10

great tips on ways to keep your dog's mouth healthy.  One of the list is an in-depth technique for brushing your pet's teeth at home.  I found this article to be really helpful and I plan to initiate some of these steps when he feels better.

Then I found this article, "What to Expect During Your Pet’s Dental Procedure"

that gives you a very thorough look at what happens during your pet's dental cleaning.  It was good to learn exactly what my baby was going through so I will be better prepared to take care of him afterward.

And finally, in this article, "How to Care for Your Pet After a Dental Procedure"

I learned exactly what I was to do for Austen when I got him back home.  It was really nice to have this information so I would know what was normal and what was not. 

Reading these articles helped me deal with my anxiety and when Austen was ready to come home, I felt I was well prepared.  The vet called and said to come get him around 4pm and I flew to the hospital to pick him up and bring him home.

He lost 7 teeth! That is all my fault and I feel horrid because of it! He was very groggy and all he wanted to do was sleep so I let him sleep in his bed next to me.

  I am so glad that is all over and I will not let it go so long in the future.  Yes, it is expensive, but if done regularly it is less costly.  Now, I have to get this paid for and schedule my other baby, Diva, for her cleaning next.  Pet ownership of elderly dogs is a never ending process of medications, special food and treats, and treatments, but I love my dogs and I am responsible to keep them healthy.

Losing a Pet: What to do to deal with the grief

Losing a pet is an experience that cuts deep. These furry, feathered, or even scaled companions become part of our families, our daily routi...