Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Would you like to help the dogs and cats of Japan?

Here is a link that you can use to send help to the abandoned, hurt, and lost pets on the island of Japan.  The pets will be the last to receive any help, if they ever do.  I understand that there are thousands of people and children in Japan in great need, but there are many helpless and frightened animals also.  I am giving to both groups and hope you will use this link to help the pets.  The Red Cross is a great place to give for the humans in need.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

More about how our pets can help in Japan

 Here is an excerpt of an email I received and feel that I should pass along to you.  Our wonderful dogs can be of service to us during and after natural disasters.  Here is only one group that utilize dogs natural abilities to help find victims of this horrible disaster. 


By: : Janet Reineck, Search Dog Foundation Development Director


Six Canine Disaster Search Teams trained by the National Disaster
Search Dog Foundation (SDF) have arrived in Japan and will soon
be traveling to the devastated region where the skills of the
canines are critically needed to use find people still trapped in
the rubble.

The teams have their gear ready and are waiting to leave the
Misawa Air Base and head to Ofunato City on the North East coast
of Japan where they will be conducting reconnaissance and primary
searches. The group is divided into the RED team (Jasmine &
Cadillac, Eric & Riley, Gary & Baxter), and the BLUE team
(Bill & Hunter, Linda & Joe, Ron & Pearl).

The teams were called into action on Friday by USAID as part of
Los Angeles County Task Force 2. They traveled on a chartered
plane out of LAX together with Virginia Task Force 1 (America’s
other international Task Force). Some 75 tons of rescue equipment
and supplies for each Task Force were sent into the disaster zone
via military transport.

The teams flew by way of Alaska where the plane touched down to
re-fuel. An airport van shuttled the dogs and their handlers to
the snow so they could stretch their legs (and paws!). They
landed at Misawa Air Base in northern Japan on Saturday at
10:30pm PST. The group of 12 dogs did well on the flight over and
bedded down with handlers to rest after their long journey.

The job of the dogs is to find live victims, conscious or
unconscious, in the debris left by the earthquake and Tsunami.
All rescue personnel will be awaiting a “Bark Alert” from the
dogs, letting them know there is someone in need of rescue.
Everything the teams have learned during their intensive training
will be put to use in saving lives.

Since SDF’s founding in 1996, their teams have been part of 75
deployments—including the World Trade Center attacks, Hurricane
Katrina, and the Haiti disaster, where they helped bring 12
people to safety. Each time the teams deploy they come back with
crucial lessons that are shared with all Search Teams to sharpen
training techniques and tactics and enhance emergency response in
our country…and abroad.

SDF will train 21 new teams in 2011 at a cost of $15,000 per team
to be ready for the next local, national or international
disaster – at no cost to taxpayers or the government.

For more information about the Search Teams or to make a donation
to turn rescued dogs into rescuers, help form our new 2011 teams,
and provide the highest level training to our existing teams:
visit, and follow the teams on
Facebook and Twitter.
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Monday, March 14, 2011

The News in Japan gets worse and worse and the animals are left behind

As  someone who has lived near Japan before, I am very concerned for the well being and safety of all the dogs and cats on that island.  This culture does not provide any care for the animals that are now displaced by natural disaster.  There will be many lost animals who will starve to death or be killed by other starving pets.  This is not acceptable.  Please read this article and then reach out to help these poor beings.
You can read this article and others like it on Dogtime.
this is a featured post by a Dogtime blogger
Sherri, a friend of a friend of mine, lives in Japan and has volunteered for four years with ARK (Animal Refuge Kansai). Sherri reports that while her community has largely been spared fatalities due to the earthquake and tsunami, she's only about a six hour drive from major devastation.

Rescuers are attempting to gain access to some of the hardest hit areas, and ARK is currently preparing makeshift shelters to accommodate what is expected to be a massive influx of traumatized, injured, hungry and thirsty dogs and cats. (After the 1995 Kobe earthquake, ARK took in 600 animals.)

Animal welfare is virtually non-existent in Japan, according to Sherri, so the efforts of individual rescue groups and shelters make all the difference for animals in times of national catastrophes. I encourage you to check out the ARK website and help if you can.
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday True Story -- Dog helps save man paralyzed in biking accident

This is a true story from right here in my home town of Austin, TX.  Just shows you how much we get from our pets!


This story sounds like something out of a movie: A freak accident leaves a cyclist unable to move, so his dog takes over.
Five weeks ago, on Oct. 30, Paul Horton set out for his morning bike ride.  As always, his dog Yogi, went along for the run. However, this ride would end like no other and offer proof why dog is "man's best friend."
Paul Horton, 57, wound up at St. David's Rehabilitation Hospital after he failed to negotiate a seemingly little jump from trail to paved road near Lake Travis.
"I had probably done that 100 times, 200 times," said Horton.
But on the morning of Oct. 30, he did not.
"I went over the handle bars and landed on my head on the concrete ... and life changed," said Horton.
Life changed because he was now paralyzed from the chest down.  Horton lay motionless for 45 minutes. With no one in sight, he realized his four-year-old golden retriever, Yogi, who had been along for the run, was still by his side.
"I expected him to behave like Lassie and run down to the police station and tap out my location in Morse code or something," said Horton.
Yogi did not do that, but did something just about as impressive.  Horton's neighbor, Bruce Tate, recalls walking down Mountain Trail with his wife when they were met by Yogi.
"Yogi is a quiet, happy dog, he's never noisy at all, but he was barking furiously to get our attention," said Tate.
The Tates followed Yogi throughout the wooded area and down the hill.  When they saw Horton,  they called 911.  To this day, the Tates wonder what would have happened if Yogi had not interrupted their walk.
"I don't think we would have seen Paul without Yogi," he said.  "I think Yogi saved his life."
"For somebody who cannot move and cannot ask for help, you can develop a pressure ulcer, you develop an infection, a clot, and you can die if you are not rescued soon," said Dr. Juan Latorre, the Medical Director of St. David's Rehabilitation Hospital. "So I think the dog was critical."
"He is my hero, I mean he is my hero. It is possible that if he had not done what he did, they might have walked right on by and gone down the road and there is no telling when somebody else would have come by," said Horton.
Horton has some movement in his arms, hands, and upper body. His rehab specialist says in just a month he has made the kind of progress it takes some patients a year to achieve.
Horton and his wife Shearon are extremely grateful to St. David's, their friends and neighbors, and most of all, to Yogi.

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Update on Satchmo's situation

My boy had surgery to remove the left lobe of his liver due to a very large mass.  He had to remain in the ICU until the following Monday, when he got to come home finally.  He was weak and mad at me, but he was definitely glad to be home.  He didn't even mind being locked up in his crate.

My first reaction was horror when I saw the size of the incision.  He has an op-site bandage running from his breastbone down to the right side of his penis sheath.  He is a very good boy, though and is not the least bit interested in licking or chewing this bandage.  He does, however, worry the places where he had the IV's and he really hates that he has no hair on either side of his body. 

He was not out of the woods entirely when he came home.  We still had to wait for the pathology report on the tumor.  His vet called finally to give me the news.  NO CANCER!!!!! His tumor was a benign type of liver tumor so he will not have to follow up with an oncologist.  Now, he just has to recuperate and get his strength back.  He is so thin!

But, every day he seems to be feeling better and he has just a bit more energy.  He still wants to spend the day in his crate, but I can leave the door open because that's where he wants to be.  At night, though, he wants to be in the bed with me, so I let him get settled on his side of the bed and wake myself up 100 times to check on him.  Its kind of silly since I have been sleeping with him all of his life, including when he was just a tiny little thing.  I am just afraid that I will inadvertently hurt him and I can't stand that thought.

He goes back to the vet on Monday for a check up and to see if he can get any of his staples removed.  I, for one, am not in any hurry to get them out.  They don't seem to be bothering him and I don't want him to reopen that humongous wound.

More to follow when we get back from his check-up.  For now, I am just so happy to have him healthy and home.  I love this baby boy very much and am glad I was able to do the right thing for him.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Satchmo had surgery!

Well, after a week on an emotional roller-coaster ride and daily trips to various veterinarians, we finally diagnosed the baby boy with a liver mass the size of a man's fist.  He had a CT scan done Wednesday and surgery was a viable option, so this morning, he went back to the vet's and had his surgery at noon. 

The vet and I had a very long talk yesterday about prognosis and treatment.  He felt that since the mass seemed to be encapsulated and he could only find tumor in one lobe of his liver, the option of surgery was a good one.  He then proceeded to show me the dangers of this particular surgery and he was very upfront and honest about the fact that I could just as easily lose my boy during the surgery as not.   That being said, he described the option of doing nothing and watching Satchmo simply succumb to the tumor and waste away.

I felt strongly that Satch deserved a chance to live and agreed to the surgery.  I spent a very horrible day today waiting to hear from the vet how he did.  When he called, I was afraid he would say that he lost him, but instead he said that everything went even better than we expected.  Now that I have spent every dime I could get my hands on (this is not a cheap or easy option), Satch has made it through the surgery and has been outside to the bathroom.   I just called to check on him and he is sleeping now but they plan to try to get him to eat something later tonight. 

I plan to go see him tomorrow to let him know that I love him and am waiting for him to recover and come home.  I am so relieved, but the vet warned me that he still can suffer complications from the surgery so he is not out of the woods yet.  I appreciate this vet's honesty and forthrightness.  He has earned my trust completely.  He has told me everything he planned to do and even how he would deal with unexpected events during surgery.  He was empathetic and provided me with support that I really needed.  I feel that he is looking out for my boy.

I'll try to update tomorrow after I get to visit my Satchmo.  I'll probably call the clinic through the night to check on him, though.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Satchmo is sick!!!!!!!!

I'm just in a dither here.  I can hardly think.  My Satchmo has been losing weight and recently he almost got out of his harness because it was too loose.  I took him to the vet yesterday and had labs done.  The vet called me and said she had never seen liver function tests with such high results in her entire career and neither had any of the other vets in the practice.  His GGT was 20,000 times normal!    I really don't understand.  He eats and drinks well, he pees and poops normally, he plays with Austen and chases the cats.  He was just losing weight.

So, today he went back for an abdominal ultrasound to see what the deal is.  She just called me to say that Satchmo has a very large mass on his liver and she wanted to do an xray to rule out metastatic lesions to his lungs.  I, of course, said yes. 

She called back to say there is a spot on his xray but she doesn't think it is a lesion.  So I got him home now, but tomorrow he and I will be going to a specialist to see if he is a candidate for surgery.  I'm a basket case!
This is my little man!  I cannot seem to get my head around this. 

I'll try to remember to update tomorrow after speaking with the specialist----if I can.

Losing a Pet: What to do to deal with the grief

Losing a pet is an experience that cuts deep. These furry, feathered, or even scaled companions become part of our families, our daily routi...