Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I've been on vacation!

I went away for a short time and left my Satchmo at home with my sister.  He was so glad to see me when I got back home.  He was mad at me for about 3 hours, then he was up in my lap just like normal.  He was really happy to sleep with me in our bed and I had to keep moving him away from me so I could sleep.

Just wanted you to know why this blog has been silent for a short while.  Now I hope to get back to posting dog centered articles and more about my little man.

Friday, August 13, 2010

I am up to my eyeballs in dogs and cat problems!!!

Here's Ditto -- the cat I cannot catch!

Here's Austen--feeling much better now
For the last month or two, I have been in the middle of some type of animal crisis.  First, Austen got really sick.  Ran a temp and had diarrhea for 4 days.  I just get the floors all cleaned up from that when, in one of the traps I had been setting to catch the "feral" cats on my porch, I caught a strange grey tomcat not once but three times!

KT after his trip to the Vet still has an appetite
Then, I get a call from my sister while I am at work telling me that we caught one of the cats we were trying to catch.  I'm thinking to myself, "How?  I didn't set any of the traps again."  But, truly, I did catch KT in a non-baited trap.  So off to the vet to get shots and neutered.  He was NOT amused, but he got through it all with grace and aplomb.  He stayed in the house for about 48 hours but then had to get outside or die!  So, then I tried again to catch his sister, Ditto, to no avail.  I am giving up for a short while to let them both forget about the traps.  I did, however, discover that there is a gigantic, enormous raccoon that comes and eats the cat food on my porch--so now I feed them differently.  There no longer is any food left on the porch at night.
Wicked--being wicked!

The kitten, Wicked, went in to the vet for shots and worming.  She is very slowly getting socialized, but she still hisses and spits when you catch her.  She likes playing with her toys and she loves being fed; she's just not too sure about being touched by humans.  When I took her back for the second set of kitten shots, I had to take my Satchmo who now was sick with diarrhea (my poor floors).  He had tests run and we discovered he has giardia (a protozoan) so he is being treated for seven days. 

My poor baby, Satchmo!
He also had blood work done and the vet called me and said, "There are so many things wrong with this lab that I'm not sure what to suggest we do first."   Not something you want to hear from the vet about your baby.  So he had to go back for another blood test on his thyroid.  She is worried about his kidneys because he is throwing too much protein.  She is worried about his adrenals because he has too much steriod hormones in his system.  She is worried about his gallbladder because his stool is so foul and dark.  She is mostly worried about his liver because his liver function test came back and it was off the scale high!  So, I now get to take him for an ultasound of his liver,gall bladder, kidney, and adrenals.  Then he goes for a cystogram--where they insert a needle into his bladder and extract a specimen first thing in the morning.  This does not sound good.

So, I am worried.  I am very worried.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday's issues -- having an Emergency plan

This is from Bideawee's email.  I am reposting it here because I firmly believe that as a pet owner I have a responsibility to plan for the care of my pet no matter what happens.  I have an emergency plan in place and I believe that everyone who has pets should also.  So, when I got this email, I knew I would have to post a part of it here.  You can get more information at the site.  While there, look through the pets available.  Who knows--your next pet may be there.

Vet Practice News: Don't let disaster strike twice. By Dr. Robin Brennen

Five years later, the visions of Katrina still haunt me. Day after day for weeks on end, truck loads of rescued animals, homeless, scared, and suffering from exposure and starvation came into the shelter I was working at. These voiceless victims had little chance of seeing their families again. It is estimated over 15,000 animals were rescued but only 15-20% were ever reunited with their owners. The number of animals that died during Hurricane Katrina due to drowning, starvation, disease and misfortune is unknown, but is thought to be in the tens of thousands.

Don't let disaster strike twice. Take the time to make a plan with your family to ensure that your pets are included in your evacuation strategy before a catastrophic emergency strikes.

One of the biggest obstacles preventing reunification of pets with their families was lack of adequate identification. Animals with rabies tags could not be traced back to their families because many vet hospitals where the medical records were kept were covered in more than 10 feet of water. Pet ID tags were of little use because most owners evacuated leaving no forwarding address or workable phone numbers. Bideawee recommends permanent identification with a microchip. Registering the microchip will allow you to immediately notify the company in the event that your pet is lost or stolen but it also enables you to change your address in the event you are displace. Therefore you are always reachable.

In 2006 President Bush signed the PETS Act into Law. The Pet Evacuation and Transportation Standards act requires all States seeking Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) assistance to accommodate pets and service animals in their plans for evacuating residents facing disasters. This means that provisions need to be provided by the state to evacuate and shelter people and pets. Each state has different accommodations and you should know what your state's are beforehand. In addition, identify alternative arrangements with boarding kennels or family members so you are not frantically arranging things at the last minute. Identify hotels nearby that accept pets. Please note that not all Red Cross shelters accept pets. No matter what, don't ever leave your home with out your pet.

It is a good idea to have a check list prepared or a "GO Bag" with all of the supplies you will need to support your pet while you are evacuated. Medications, food, bedding, litter pans/litter, crates and toys, bottled water, disposable bags for pet waste, leashes, collars, cleaning supplies, dishes, and a familiar item from home that can minimize anxiety. In addition, a photocopy of all medical records and a photograph of your pets should be included.

Dr. Robin Brennen is the Vice President, Chief of Veterinary Services at Bideawee and is a Team Commander for the National Veterinary response team. She spent 4 months in New Orleans in post Hurricane Katrina helping the city's animals.

In honor of all of the animals displaced in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Bideawee is offering a discount on microchips during August and September. Click here for coupon.

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wordless Wednesday -- Guess who came for dinner?

 Could  you imagine coming home from  work

to find  this tiny  creature  napping on  your

couch  with your dog?  

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday True Stories -- Police launch investigation into federal officer who shot animal at dog park in Severn

This is a sad story about what happens to dogs when humans, who should exercise better judgment, carry guns and use them to settle problems.  We do not live in the Wild West anymore; this person could just have easily missed and killed a child or some other dog at this public park. 

Let me know what you think about this, won't you?
This is from an article from ABC News Channel 2 out of Baltimore, Md.  Please visit that site and leave them your thoughts on the issue.


Posted: 08/04/2010
Last Updated: 7 hours and 41 minutes ago
SEVERN, Md. - Pet owners come to Quail Run Dog Park in Severn to let their dogs run free and to frolic with other canines, but when the play turned rough between Bear Bear, a Siberian Husky, and a German Shepherd, the shepherd’s owner resorted to gun fire.
"He fired... and the impact sound and everything, I asked him later cause I went closer to to Bear Bear. I asked if that was a Taser. I looked back at him, "Was that a Taser?" He said, "No. That's 9 millimeter. I hit him in the rear. I don't see any blood. I think he's going to be okay," and just calm about it," said Stephen Kurinij, who was watching the dog for his sister and brother-in-law.
Later, Bear Bear’s owners, Ryan and Rachel Reitaliata, would learn the pistol-packing owner was a Department of Defense employee out of Fort Myer in Virginia.
"Personally, I don't believe this man should carry a weapon any longer,” said Rachel, “He doesn't deserve a gun. He doesn't know how to be responsible with a fire arm."
The unidentified federal police officer also underestimated the bullet’s impact.
Doctors at an emergency animal hospital told the Husky’s owner they were helpless to save Bear Bear.
The bullet had pierced several internal organs.
"There was just no way he was going to live, so they administered the euthanizing solution and he went down easy and soft,” said Ryan Reitaliata, “Afterwards we got to spend time with him for the last five minutes."
Anne Arundel County Police dismissed the shooting until County Executive John Leopold stepped in demanding an investigation.
"I'm a dog owner. I have a black lab named 'Dora'. I would be outraged, deeply saddened, if this happened to my dog," said Leopold.
Even now, as police pledge to re-open the case, it appears their delayed reaction has complicated matters.
"At this time we are not aware of any other witnesses," said Anne Arundel County Police Chief James Teare, Sr.
But within five minutes of arriving at the dog park, we had found one.
"All I heard was like dogs going like, "Rrrrrrrrrr". When I turned around, I guess the dog owner, the cop, he didn't try to stop the dog. He just said, "Stop!" one time and then "Pow!"---shot the dog," said Steffon Nelson of Severn.
It also appears a number of children looked on as the fatal shot echoed through the park taking Bear Bear’s life.
The DOD gunman told police that the husky attacked his dog and then tried to bite him.
He claims he shot the dog fearing for his safety and that of his wife and dog.
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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thursday's issues -- Treating Cushing's Disease

Here is an excerpt from an email I get regularly from a Vet in Canada.  He is very knowledgeable about both medical and holistic care and he has a wonderful course you can take on his website.  This particular email talks about ways to help your pet when Cushing's disease is diagnosed or just a possibility.  Let me know if you find this useful and I will post other excerpts from his email here.


A dog was recently diagnosed with as disease called
Cushing's Disease - He is producing excess cortisol
in his body.

In most cases this is caused by a Pituatary Adenoma,
but in 15% of dogs it is caused by an Adrenal Tumor.

This dog had EXCESS panting and pacing- he
could NOT settle down

Here is part of what's in my book:

Your older dog drinks and urinates excessively.
He has a distended, swaying belly. He has hair
loss and a sparse hair coat. His appetite may
be increased. He may pant often. He has been
tested for other causes of increased drinking
(including diabetes, kidney and liver disease)
and all tests have come back negative.

The disease is an overproduction of a hormone
(Cortisol) which produces the signs of excessive
 drinking and urinating. The most common cause
is due to a tumor on the pituitary gland (a
gland at the base of the brain). A small
percentage of cases are caused by a tumor on
the adrenal gland (a gland in the kidneys).
In some cases, pets can get all these signs
by being on steroids, such as prednisone. In
this case, the treatment is to wean the pet
off the drug.


TO THE VET.  If your pet has some of the signs
of Cushing's (excessive drinking and urination)
then it is first important to rule out other
diseases. Your vet will check for diabetes,
kidney disease, and liver disease. A general
blood screen will be suggestive of Cushing's.
At this time, they may recommend further
screening tests and discuss traditional

Here is what worked GREAT for this dog:

VALERIAN. High Cortisol levels will make your
pet feel anxious. Valerian is great at
decreasing anxiety levels. The dog dose is 1
drop per lb of body weight twice daily.

Here are some additional remedies...

ANTIOXIDANTS. In Cushing's, the cells are more
prone to injury from the high Cortisol levels.
The three most effective antioxidants are Vitamin
E, Vitamin C and Selenium. These are best given
in combination: give 100 IU of Vitamin E, 100 mg
of Vitamin C and 20 ug if Selenium per 10 lbs of
body weight daily.

FLOWER. Flower essences can also help to decrease
anxiety, such as panting. One to two drops of Bach
Rescue Remedy given twice daily may help calm your pet.


GINKGO. This is a herb called Ginkgo Biloba. It has
been shown to reduce Cortisol production.
The dose of the tincture is one drop per lb of
body weight twice daily. The dried concentrated
extract is also available, give 3 mg per lb of
body weight daily.


P.S. IF you are looking for a COMPLETE resource
of ALL of the specific At Home Remedies for Cushing's
Disease ( along with over 100 common dog diseases)
then get my manual here:

Helping Pets stay healthy and at home
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People Who Dislike Animals should be avoided

 So, I came across this article the other day about why we should be cautious around people who don't like animals. It was quite an eye-...