Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday's issues

I love the NYTimes Well Blog.  I cannot help myself.  I find the most interesting and informative items there.
This article is about the positives to be drawn from walking with a dog and I, for one, have to say that the information here is presented in a scholarly and research-oriented manner but is easily understood by all.

Since I spend quite a bit of my life walking my dog, Satchmo, I have more than a little interest in this topic.  Since reading this article, I have given quite a lot of thought to the benefits I receive just by having a pet dog and by actively taking care of him.  I don't think everyone understands that although having a pet is expensive, what you receive back from your pet is ten-fold.

As I am approaching those "golden years" --they are catching up with me no matter how hard I try to hide-- I find that caring for Satch means 4-5 walks a day.  Yes, some of the 20 minutes is spent in the "walk-sniff-pee-walk-poop-sniff mode" but the rest of the time is actually spent moving.  But, even during the aforementioned mode, I get to be outdoors and enjoy fresh air and sunshine --or freezing rain and artic blasts-- and I don't think I would be trekking outdoors without a good reason.  For me, Satchmo is a very good reason and he responds to my commitment by loving me unconditionally.  You really can't beat that, can you?  For the look in his eyes when we come inside, I will gladly brave the hardest rain and the coldest wind. 

The Best Walking Partner: Man vs. Dog


Suzanne DeChillo/The New York Times 
A dog will never try to talk you out of going for a walk.


Is it better to walk a human or to walk a dog?

New research from the University of Missouri has found that people who walk dogs are more consistent about regular exercise and show more improvement in fitness than people who walk with a human companion. In a 12-week study of 54 older adults at an assisted living home, 35 people were assigned to a walking program for five days a week, while the remaining 19 served as a control group. Among the walkers, 23 selected a friend or spouse to serve as a regular walking partner along a trail laid out near the home. Another 12 participants took a bus daily to a local animal shelter where they were assigned a dog to walk.
To the surprise of the researchers, the dog walkers showed a big improvement in fitness, while the human walkers began making excuses to skip the workout. Walking speed among the dog walkers increased by 28 percent, compared with just a 4 percent increase among the human walkers.

“What happened was nothing short of remarkable,” said Rebecca A. Johnson, a nursing professor and director of the Research Center for Human Animal Interaction at the University of Missouri’s College of Veterinary Medicine. “The improvement in walking speed means their confidence in their walking ability had increased and their balance had increased. To have a 28 percent improvement in walking speed is mind boggling.”

Ms. Johnson said that because some people are afraid of dogs, the participants were given the choice of walking with a human or a dog as the companion. Ms. Johnson said the dog walkers were far more consistent in sticking with the program than those who were walking with humans.

“In the human walking group, they were regularly discouraging each other from walking,” she said. “Missouri is a hot state. We would hear them saying: ‘It’s hot today. I don’t want to walk, do you?’ ”

The response from participants in the dog-walking group — and their dog companions — was very different.
“When the people came to the animal shelter, they bounced off the bus and said, ‘Where’s my dog?”’ Ms. Johnson said. “And the dogs never gave any discouragement from walking.”

Ms. Johnson said she suspects differences will show up in other areas, like depression and anxiety, although that data are still under review and the final study has not yet been published.

But there were also other subtle indicators of improvement among the dog-walking group. Many people in the dog-walking group stopped using canes and walkers. “They would say, ‘Now I’m physically fit enough to take my dog for a walk,”’ Ms. Johnson said.

Here's the link to this article
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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday True Stories -- Moe couldn't escape the speeding car in his path

 I just found this site and read the story of Moe.  I was really moved at the compassion and care he has received by all except the driver of that car.  Please visit this site and sign up.  It's totally free and maybe you will see something there that moves you to contribute, who knows.  To read all about Moe and others just like him, please visit

For some, going to the airport means a trip to paradise, unfortunately for Moe this was more like a nightmare. Moe desperately tried to out run the speeding car that was bearing down on him. Unsuccessful, he was left by JFK Airport with one leg severely broken, one leg dislocated and numerous deep lacerations. Moe now faces a long road of expensive surgery and many hours of recovery before he is able to resume his life as a loving companion. With your help we can make sure he gets the medical attention and compassionate care he deserves.

Police rescued Moe as he dragged his wounded body around JFK Airport. They brought Moe to a city shelter, but its facilities couldn't give him the care he needed to survive. Those at the shelter feared that Moe would have to be euthanized so they emailed Bideawee with a plea to help save Moe and give him another chance at life.

Moe has so much courage and kindness is his two year old body. When Moe came in we rushed him into the exam room where he allowed the doctors to examine both his legs and treat his gashes without any resistance in spite of how much pain he was experiencing.

Moe is now safe at Bideawee, although he's still in pain, he knows that he will receive the surgeries and care necessary to make a full recovery. Due to the severity of Moe's injuries his heeling process will be a lengthy one. He will not be able to put any weight on his hind legs for a long time as his little body recovers from the trauma he experienced.

Moe is such a friendly, sweet dog. He craves attention as he awaits the surgery he so desperately needs. What we want most is to help Moe heal and give him a second chance at life so that he can find a forever family that will give him the love he so richly deserves.

Please make a donation today to help Moe heal so we can find him his forever home.     

If you are unable donate at this time we understand. We would love to keep you in the informed on what's new at Bideawee. Please join our Bideawee online family today to receive Bideawee News, pet health tips, rescue stories and more! Become a member now - It's Free.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Experiment was a Success!

Using Melatonin really works.  Satch was able to weather those numerous thunderstorms without even waking up.  He did not shake or pace and he slept through the worst storm!

I will certainly be using Melatonin for his storm phobia in the future.  I hope you can benefit from this information.  Research online at veterinary sites about using melatonin for fears and phobias in dogs.

Hopefully, since Satch developed this phobia later in his life, he will now be able to return to the happy and fearless dog he always was before.

Friday, May 14, 2010

We're having Thunderstorms and Heavy Rain -- Uh Oh! Satch is in the tub again!

stormy skiesImage by ConnieG via Flickr
My dog is deathly afraid of thunder.  He becomes a pitiful, shaking, quaking mess when storms roll in.  I have tried all different ways to relieve his anxiety and pain, to no avail.  He will pace and hide and pace and hide, all while shaking violently and whining.  It hurts me to watch him.  I recently read an article about using Melatonin to deal with this problem.  Below is an article I found, which is just one of many available, that talks about using Melatonin.  I found it on

The first time I tried this was in the middle of the night when Satch's severe shaking woke me up from a sound sleep.  He was finally able to calm down and go back to sleep, but it took a while for the effect to occur.  Today, however, the storms arrived before I realized it and he was in full-blown panic.  I gave him a dose but so far no effect.  I will have to wait and see if I will need to do something else.  The last time he went into a panic, he jumped into the bathtub and howled.  I want no repeat of that, please.

So, here's the article I'm talking about:

Melatonin: Used To Treat Fear Of Thunderstorms

December 15, 2008

Dogs are often scared of loud noises, not all dogs, but many. 
And of those who do have a noise sensitivity,  thunderstorms 
and other similar, unexpected sounds, are often the culprits of 
their fears. Fear of thunder or other loud noises is very common. 
This is often true for puppies and older dogs.

Dealing with the possibility of having a panic stricken, nervous 

dog, many owners resort to tranquilizers whenever alerted to an 
impending thunderstorm. This is an extreme treatment that is 
often recommended, but seldom needed. I would like to now 
introduce you to a new alternative should you ever need it for 
your own scared dog the next time a storm comes through your 
area. It is a safe, drug-free, over-the-counter supplement that is 
easily available to to any dogs with these anxiety problems. It is 
called melatonin.

You have probably heard of melatonin before. It is a naturally 

occurring hormone that is secreted by a small endocrine gland 
called the pineal gland, located at the base of the brain. It helps 
to regulate and maintain the body’s circadian rhythm (the body’s 
internal clock that tells mammals when to fall asleep and when to 
wake up). Melatonin, in humans, is often used as a natural 
sleeping aid. For dogs, melatonin is often administered to 
alleviate their fear of thunder and other loud noises.

I have read studies that melatonin has a positive result with at least 

75% of dogs who take the supplement. When do you administer 
melatonin, you may be wondering? With some dogs, melatonin is 
most effective when it is given just before the storm hits.  In other 
dogs, it is best when this supplement is given just as they are 
starting to show signs of stress, anxiety and fear so you may have 
to experiment over the course of a few storms before you find the 
perfect application time for your own dog.

Melatonin is said to work in the dogs body for about eight hours or 

so. One important note: do not use melatonin on any pregnant dogs 
or very young puppies. The best advice I can give you is to check
with your veterinarian prior to using melatonin to make sure there 
will be no problems with pre-existing health problems or medications 
that your dog currently has (or is on) and also for the recommended 
dosage for your own pet.

By: Debbie Ray

Need German Shepherd or Purebred dog information 

( ? Check us out if you have other 
dog related questions!
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Thursday, May 13, 2010

How To Make Sure Your Dog Has Healthy Teeth

Search for dog teeth care

As you know from reading this blog, Satchmo has terrible trouble with his teeth.  Some of it is my fault, I'm sure, but some of it is his genetics.  I thought I would post an article here about ways to help your dog have a nice clean mouth to give lots of doggy kisses to you without cringing from the odor.

This is from a website called Our Dogs Food.  Please visit the site and there you will find a veritable source of information and videos that cover just about any issue known in the care of your pets.  I know I will be bookmarking this site and returning frequently, so I hope you enjoy it also.


How To Make sure your Dog has Healthy Teeth

By the time your dog matures, he’ll have 42 teeth (twenty on top and twenty-two on the bottom). All of them will need proper care throughout his life. It is estimated that four out of five canines experience some form of dental problem by three years of age. The side effects extend much further than a lost tooth or discomfort along the gum line. Bacteria can potentially enter your pooch’s bloodstream, leading to problems with his kidneys and heart.
Oral disease is one of the most prevalent medical issues suffered by pets throughout the country. For this reason, we’ll take a closer look at common dental problems experienced by dogs and the steps you can take to prevent them. We’ll explain why regular trips to your veterinarian are critical and describe how to care for your canine’s teeth at home.
Common Types Of Dental Problems
While cavities are rare among canines, plaque buildup is common. It typically forms as the result of small bits of food that accumulate between the teeth and gum line. If the food is allowed to remain there for prolonged periods, plaque will eventually form.
Over time, minerals in your canine’s saliva will transform the plaque into tartar. Tartar is a bigger problem because it is much more difficult to correct. Moreover, unlike plaque, tartar causes inflammation to the gums, a condition known as gingivitis.
If your dog develops gingivitis, you’ll noticed the gum line next to his teeth becoming red. You’ll also notice that his breath is bad. If the tartar is allowed to remain, it will continue to build underneath your pooch’s gums. Small spaces will eventually form between the gum line and teeth, which promote the growth of bacteria. This is the onset of periodontitis; it cannot be reversed. Your dog will likely begin to develop abscesses, infection, and other problems, including lost teeth.
It’s worth noting the factors that contribute to periodontal disease. First, some breeds are more susceptible to developing the problem than others. Second, genetics play a part. Third, your canine’s diet, age, and the dental care you provide for him at home also have a significant influence. Many owners would be surprised to learn that even the manner in which they groom their dogs can promote the accumulation of tartar.
Regular Trips To The Veterinarian
Proper dental care for your pooch should involve a two-pronged approach. You should make regular appointments with his [...]
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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

This is Maggie, a dog I currently foster online at Save A  Dog.

From RiverRidge Rat Terriers, one of the best breeders around

This is Sissy, another rattie I foster online at Save A Dog

Losing a Pet: What to do to deal with the grief

Losing a pet is an experience that cuts deep. These furry, feathered, or even scaled companions become part of our families, our daily routi...