Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

This is Maggie, a dog I currently foster online at Save A  Dog.

From RiverRidge Rat Terriers, one of the best breeders around

This is Sissy, another rattie I foster online at Save A Dog

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday's True Stories -- Lucas: Love Champion

Michael Vick during a game against the Baltimo...Image via Wikipedia
Tuesday's will now be dedicated to telling true stories about dogs all over the world.  Rescues, strays, pets, etc.; you name it and I will post it.  As a true dog lover, I always enjoy good stories about man's best friend.  It seems that our world is getting meaner and meaner (people-wise) so to find balance I need to read about the unconditional love and loyalty freely given to us by our four-legged pets.

Here is an article I found on For Your Entertainment about the meanest of the Vick pit bulls.  This is a great story and it will make you smile.  Enjoy!  Please check out some of the other hilarious posts at that blog site and leave them a comment.

In my time as a caregiver at Best Friends I've worked with all kinds of dogs with all sorts of temperaments, but I haven't had too much contact with the Vicktory dogs, the pit bulls that were formerly owned by Michael Vick. There are a few I say hello to that live in staff offices and whom I see fairly often, but just haven't had the opportunity to get to know any of them too well... until a few weeks ago!

I was helping out with a transport of two dogs that needed to see medical specialists in Las Vegas. When I got in the van along with ace BF Lead Dog Tech Sarah Kubacki I discovered that we'd be transporting two dogs: Jingles, an awesomely friendly little pit bull with a mysterious eye issue, and Lucas, one of the most legendary of the Vicktory dogs. Thought by investigators to be Vick's champion fighter, this large brown pit bull has quite the impressive scar collection, particularly around his face and muzzle, and is one of two dogs compelled to live out his life here at Best Friends by order of the court. He also has a reputation for being an all-around sweetheart and nice guy and I'd met him a few times in an office where he visits sometimes and greets staff and visitors to BF. My time at Best Friends has only deepened my love for pit bulls and I was quite happy to be spending time with Lucas and Jingles!

The ride down to Vegas was uneventful and Jingles went to her ophthalmologist appointment, where she needed to stay for a while, so we continued on with Lucas for his cardiologist appointment. He's one of the BEST dogs for medical handling I've ever seen and was open and friendly as the vet did his physical exam... and then his two vet students repeated the exam, with Lucas smiling the whole time! He got the same excellent reviews from the techs who escorted him into a private room for his echocardiogram. Lucas is being monitored for an enlarged heart caused by heartworm, which was treated when he arrived at Best Friends. I'm happy to say that the cardiologist was very pleased.

We got some news about Jingles, too: she was going to have to stay overnight for a minor surgical procedure in the morning. It didn't make sense to drive all the way back to Best Friends only to have to return to Las Vegas in the morning, so we made some phone calls and came up with a plan: we would stay in Las Vegas overnight... and take Lucas on his very first sleepover outside of Best Friends! Once we were out of the vet's office with Lucas I made some reservations and found a dog-friendly hotel for the evening.

Lucas remained friendly at the hotel, but at first he didn't want to leave the bathroom! He was fascinated by the shower stall and wanted to hang out in there - obviously a little intimidated by the brand new environment. We gave him a little while to decompress and get comfy and gave him some water, and after a bit encouraged him to come out and explore... which eventually, he did. When we made it clear that he was welcome to come up onto the bed if he wanted, he did... and plopped himself down between us to watch some TV. We petted him as he watched, transfixed by the antics of Steve Carell, a real couch potato! As he grew more comfortable with his surroundings he rolled on his back for belly scratches and occasionally wandered up to give us some kisses. He was also fascinated by the pizza that was delivered! (Of course, I would never give a dog people food... y'know, except a little crust...)

We wandered out for his evening walk - he was amiable and curious and accepted the extremely blustery winds and the sights and sounds of a bustling city, so unlike what he is used to, with admirable ease. When bedtime came, he stretched out between us and slept soundly while snoring lightly, waking us in the morning with happy kisses and a wagging tail.

We had some time in the morning before we had to pick up Jingles, so Lucas came with us on an outing to the park. He did great and enjoyed himself immensely - he was particularly interested in the duck pond and was very curious about the ducks and geese! We saw some other leashed dogs at a distance and while he was curious about them, he didn't show any sign of aggression. He was loose and happy and loved walking on grass, something he doesn't have much of at the desert sanctuary! After our park outing we picked Jingles up from the vet and headed home to Utah.

Lucas is one of the most well-known of a group of dogs whom some leaders in animal welfare thought - and some still think - should be killed. They were called "ticking time bombs" and "some of the most aggressively trained pit bulls in the country". "Rehabilitating fighting dogs", one animal group opined, "is not in the cards." As I woke up in that hotel room with a scarred, battered, happy, silly, joyous pit bull licking my face, I had only one thought: I wish that people who truly love animals but believe that pit bulls or fighting victims are somehow different or irredeemable could have the same experience I had, to spend an evening in a hotel room with Lucas and a night with him rolling over for scratches, being silly, investigating new things, and sleeping peacefully by your side - and wake up to this incredibly resilient, affectionate and forgiving animal licking your face. Lucas is a wonderful dog on his own merits, and I very much hope that one day the court will allow him to be adopted so he may have people of his own. He deserves it.

Here's the link to the original here
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Monday, May 10, 2010

Hey, Boys you wanna go OUTSIDE?

This is the response I get when I utter the WORD-------outside-----

Instantly, I have their undivided attention.  They immediately go on ALERT!
This is my view of Satchmo when we go out.  He rarely pays me any attention.  Here he has picked up a "scent".
Now he realizes that I am talking to him and he thinks I want to play.

Austen is on the hunt for that "perfect" spot.

Satchmo can spend all day with his nose in the grass.  What can he find there that is so interesting?

Here's a shot of Austen and the feral cat.  We've named him KT and he really likes Austen.  It looks like Austen wants to have nothing to do with the cat, though.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Austen went to the Pretty Parlor and now he is so cute!

Well, Austen's hair had gotten so long on his face that he could not see anymore. He also smelled to high heaven, so we took him today to get bathed and clipped. He also got his nails trimmed and painted. He cannot stand it and has been chewing the polish off since coming home.

The funniest thing about this was the "report card" that was sent with him home. He got good marks for his temperament, but he got "needs improvement" for following directions. I think it really says: We had some trouble with his feet!

Anyway, here are some pictures I took when he got home.
 He does look better I think.

He went directly to his comfort spot under the table and began to chew off the nail polish!

This is his way of telling me he had a really bad day!  Don't you just feel sorry for him?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

I found some old pictures of Satchmo that I had forgotten I had.  It was fun looking back at his antics and the way he used to look.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Six ways to find a lost dog

 Here is a great article I found on my Linkedin group.  This article gives specific steps you can do to find your lost pet.  One thing that isn't mentioned, however, is the use of GPS collars and tags on your pets; also the use of microchips.  I am not really big on putting a chip in my pet, but I have considered getting a GPS unit for his collar.  The cost is not as bad as you might think, and if having it would bring him home, it would be money well spent.

Please read this article and send it to anyone you may know who has lost a pet.  Maybe this will help bring their baby home.

May 2, 2:52 PMDogs ExaminerStephanie Modkins

Lost dog in Jamaica.
Lost dog in Jamaica.
Sami Nutini @
According to, less than 16% of lost dogs are returned to their rightful owners. As a result, if your canine goes missing, it is important to act right away. You want to do whatever you can to find your lost dog and avoid becoming a statistic. Here's how. Just:

1- Post signs.
Let your neighbors and the general public knows you are trying to find a lost dog by posting signs. Place them in areas that everyone can see. Be sure to ask for permission to place them in storefronts and other venues owned by another party.

2- Use Facebook.
Sign onto Facebook and ask your contacts for help. Get them to spread the word. This socialite is proving to be an excellent way to find lost dogs that otherwise might remain a stray. Here's one success story: Family uses Facebook to find owner of lost dog.

3- Contact the police.

Use this method if you believe your dog's been stolen. Be prepared to answer a few questions and give a complete description of your pet. The police will need as much information as possible to find your pet.

4- Notify local shelters.
Call local shelters and file a lost pet report with them. This way, if one picks your dog, they will know he has an owner. This process may take some time, so you may want to enlist the aide of a family member or friend.

5- Place an ad in the paper.
Put an ad in your local paper with a description of your lost dog and your phone number. Leave out identifying descriptions so you can ask the caller. Also, understand that some people may use your loss as an opportunity to play a prank. Therefore, don't give out too much information without first finding out if the person is serious.

6- Hire a pet detective.
If you can afford it, hire a pet detective. These people are professionals and can put the time and effort into an effective search for your lost dog. Visit Missing Pet Partnership for a directory.

Try one or a few of these six ways to find a lost dog and you will increase your chances of bringing home your canine. Find out more about how to locate a lost dog by visiting
 Here is the original article.  
You will also be able to find more and related articles at that site.
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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Supreme Court voids ban on cruel videos

This is an article I found on  When I read this article I was sick.  How can it be okay to make and sell dog fighting videos, yet dog fighting itself is illegal?  If that holds water, then how can all the perverts get arrested for viewing kiddie porn videos on their own computers?  Where exactly is the difference?  In both cases, the innocent are damaged and others are profiting from said damage.  Please click the link to go read the comments at the original site.  This just makes no sense at all.

Dogtime editor rules on the Court's latest decision.

We live in a country in which our basic liberty is protected by law. And thanks to today's Supreme Court ruling, we can add one more freedom to the list that includes speech, religion, and assembly: We can legally profit from videos depicting people in spiked heels stomping on live animals until their bodies are pulverized. Crushed to death.
Thank you, Supreme Court justices (save Justice Alito), for upholding my right to sell footage showing the explicit maiming, torture, and killing of companion animals. I can now legally make money on dog fighting - or any other form of cruelty I happen to fancy.
"The First Amendment itself reflects a judgment by the American people that the benefits of its restrictions on the government outweigh its costs," said Chief Justice John Roberts.
According to , "Roberts concluded Congress had not sufficiently shown 'depictions' of dog fighting enough to justify a special category of exclusion from free speech protection."
Just how many dogs should have to endure prolonged and intentional agony before the restrictions outweigh the costs? When does the scale tip away from depraved sadists in favor of a gentle and innocent animal?
In 1982, the Supreme Court ruled that the trafficking of child pornography does not fall under the protection of free speech. So the precedent is there. But the willingness of the Court to protect our dogs and cats is second to our right to produce images of bullfighting and deer hunting.
Roberts did concede one point. According to CNN, he "suggested a law specifically banning crush videos might be valid, since it was narrowly tailored to a specific type of commercial enterprise."
Might be valid? Your compassion is so overwhelming, Chief Justice Roberts, that I think I must now excuse myself to go be sick.
I love my American Pit Bull Terrier, but today, I certainly don't love being an American.
- Leslie Smith
The editor with her dog.
The editor with her dog.

Here is the link to the original article and all the comments.  Please visit the site.
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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

I think I will begin using Wednesday's for pictures only.  So, in that vein, here are some pictures of my Satchmo!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Spring and summer also bring-----fleas!

For those of you who don't own Rat Terriers, you may not know that this breed is very sensitive to chemicals and has numerous allergies.  I did not know this when I got my Satchmo, but I found out very soon afterward.

He is the only dog I've ever had that is allergic to his annual shots; he is allergic to topical flea medicines; he can only eat certain types of dry foods; and the list goes on and on.

Getting shots requires a preinjection of steriods and benadryl.  It took me almost 8 years to find a topical flea medication I can apply without having him walk into walls and not be able to get back up.  He throws up if I change his food or if I try new treats.  This is just one of the downsides to this breed.  The flipside is that Ratties are incredibly healthy and heal very fast.  At 10 years old, his lab work is all within normal ranges just like a much younger dog.  He still goes and goes and goes like the energizer bunny.

Ratties are also very independent, but that does not mean they are not loving and snuggle-buddies.  Each rattie will have its own personality, but as a rule, these dogs are very loving and loyal and love to cuddle in the bed under the covers.  I will say that housebreaking a rattie requires much patience and you have to develop a routine and then stick to it. 

For more information about Rat Terriers, visit my site, Rat-Terrier-Information.  You can get pointers on ways to train you rattie as well as watch some wonderful videos.
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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The continuing saga of the feral cats.....

So, KT is finally becoming friendly enough that he wants to be scratched and petted.  He even lets me pick him up occasionally.  I want to take him to get fixed and his shots, but I am afraid that if I do, the other cat will freak out and leave. 

Speaking of the other one.  I have named her Ditto and she is definitely a she as I think she is pregnant.  Great!  More feral cats.   She is still very skittish and bolts if you get too close.  I am trying to find a place to fix her a box for birthing her babies, but I think she will just find another spot herself if I do.  I have been feeding her extra to try to ensure the babies are healthy. 

The surprise, however, is that there is a third cat.  This litter originally was 4 kittens.  One was run over in the apartment parking lot pretty soon after they were around.  Then there were three.  They played and slept and played some more, but one day there was just two, so I figured the third was run over too.  I was wrong.

I don't know where this cat has been, but it is exactly the same age and size as the two I have been feeding.  It even has the faint white spot on its neck that the other two have.  So, I have decided it is the long lost litter-mate.  It is really feral--hisses and bolts the minute it sees you, but it does come to eat at the bowl so I think I have a chance to calm it also.  Don't know if it is male or female, but I would guess it is male if it has been able to fend alone so long. 

Anyway, here are some new pics of the little feral kitties.  Satchmo and Austen are enjoying KT, who goes on walks with us every morning and plays with the boys' leashes.

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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring brings squirrels!

Satchmo is a rat terrier and as such, he loves to hunt for "rats".  Since he has never ever seen a real rat, he finds make-believe rats everywhere and chases them.  Squirrels are his all time favorite prey.  He loves to chase them and bark at them.  What is even better is that they seem to love tormenting him just as much. 

I live in an apartments complex that has numerous ancient oak trees.  We probably have hundreds of squirrels, both old timers and newly born.  Satch has developed a "second sight" about when a squirrel is in the tree next to him.  He can find a squirrel in the highest branches and we all know that dogs don't have the best eyesight.

There is a big oak right in the middle of our yard and we have a large, fat, male squirrel that must winter over in that tree, because he has been there for the last two years.  Now whenever I take Satch outside, he goes directly to the base of that tree and sniffs all around then he will look intently up at the branches until I have to drag him away.  Heaven help us if he actually sees the squirrel.  Then no pulling will get him away from the tree and he will bark until he is hoarse.

It's funny but really its pathetic.  Here is a dog that wants to hunt and he lives in an apartment.  So sad!

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Losing a Pet: What to do to deal with the grief

Losing a pet is an experience that cuts deep. These furry, feathered, or even scaled companions become part of our families, our daily routi...