Thursday, June 7, 2012

Parachuting War Dogs

Posted By Thomas E. Ricks

By Rebecca Frankel
Best Defense Chief Canine Correspondent
This story that came out in the Times of London a couple of weeks ago is truly a war-dog wonder: parachuting dogs being sent on secret missions in Afghanistan. (The photograph is pretty unbelievable, too.)

These daredevil dogs (and their handlers) are part of Austrian special forces that are "[joining] Nato's Operation Cold Response, one of Europe's biggest military exercises, in Narvik, Norway. ... Commandos from 14 countries, including British special forces and Royal Marines, took part in the Nato exercise. The use of dogs in High Altitude High Opening missions was pioneered by America's Delta Force, which trained the animals to breathe through oxygen masks during the jump."

Dropping from 10,000 feet in the air these dogs "glide in" to land "unnoticed" and they "often carry cameras and are trained to attack anyone carrying a weapon."
I'd be curious to speak to a veterinarian about this but the dog handler interviewed for this piece claims that: 
Dogs don't perceive height difference. ... They're more likely to be bothered by the roar of the engines, but once we're on the way down, that doesn't matter and they just enjoy the view. ... "It's something [this dog] does a lot. He has a much cooler head than most recruits."

After a little digging, I found this is hardly the first time the military -- in the United States or elsewhere -- has attempted to get its war dogs airborne.

The November 1935 issue of Popular Science Magazine ran an article about the Soviet army was experimenting parachuting dogs out of planes with a new invention -- the "cylindrical coop," which was:
provided with a parachute that opens automatically when it is tossed from a plane. The shell of the coop, locked closed during the descent, springs open of its own accord when the device strikes the ground."
In 1980, The Ocala Star Banner, ran this story about how the army was training a "crack corps of 40 German shepherd dogs" who were accustomed to jumping off 8-foot towers so that they "would be able to withstand the rigors of parachute jumping."

But perhaps most famous of all is the legendary SAS Rob, a collie and parachuting war-dog hero of WWII. Rob was awarded the animal's Victoria's Cross in 1945 for saving British soldiers' lives by "licking their cheeks to wake them at signs of danger" and for making a remarkable 20 parachute jumps. But in 2006, this amazing parachute-jumping lore was revealed to have been a hoax. Apparently, when the dog's owners requested Rob be discharged and returned home, the dog's SAS handler, Tom Burt, was said to have been so "upset at the prospect of losing him" he concocted the story to keep Rob in the regiment. Can we blame him?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dog Saves Life of Owner and Needs Help Now

Margo Ann Sullivan
Rescued pet faces down freight train to save owner's life.
At a railroad crossing in Shirley, Mass., Lilly, the pit bull, hurdled into a race against time. The dog's owner, Christine Spain, had collapsed on the train tracks, and the westbound freight train was coming.
Lilly dragged her owner out of danger, but the train's front wheel caught and crushed her paw.
The train struck Lilly a few minutes after midnight on May 3, according to Rob Halpin, spokesman for Boston's Angell Animal Medical Center. The dog was "critically wounded," he said but managed to reach her owner's side. She stayed by the unconscious woman, until help arrived.
The train engineer had seen a "frantic" dog struggling to pull the woman to safety, but he couldn't stop the train in time, Halpin said.
"The engineer, who asked not to be identified, was convinced the train had struck both Christine and the dog, and realized only after stopping and rushing to their aid that Christine was unharmed," Halpin said. But Lilly had been badly hurt.
"The train's wheels sliced through her right foot, fractured her pelvis in multiple locations and caused other internal injuries," he said.
The engineer called for help. The Shirley, Mass. animal control officer took Lilly to a local emergency veterinary hospital and Spain's son, Boston police Officer David Lanteigne, was notified. He rushed the 8-year-old dog to Angell Animal Medical Center.
Doctors amputated Lilly's right leg on May 5. She had a second surgery to fix her pelvis and back left leg. She has a long and difficult recovery ahead, Dr. Meg Whalen, a veterinarian with the Angell Emergency and Critical Care Unit, said.
Halpin went on to explain Lilly "will be unable to bear weight or walk without assistance for the first few months after her surgery."
Halpin said Lilly is still in the hospital as of press time, but her caregivers hoped that she would be able to go home soon.
"We're hoping," Halpin said. "She's improving, and we're hoping to get her back to some semblance of her former self. But, of course, she'll have to learn to walk again."
Lanteigne said Lilly will go home with him. Spain will also move in while Lilly is recovering.
"Lilly means the world to my mother," Lanteigne said. He adopted Lilly from a shelter several years ago as a companion for Spain, who has suffered from alcoholism.
Spain "doted on the dog from the moment she came to live with her," he said. The bond with the dog first changed and then saved Spain's life.
Whalen thinks Lilly will also make it.
Lilly's bravery "has captured the hearts of our entire staff," she said.
How to Help: Because of the severity of Lilly's injuries and the extensive treatment she required, the MSPCA-Angell has provided financial aid through its Pet Care Assistance program to help cover the cost of Lilly's care. In addition to supporting other MSPCA programs, Pet Care Assistance provides financial aid to families whose animals need emergency, intermediate and critical care at Angell. Readers who would like to donate to Pet Care Assistance can visit
Pictured: Lilly, an 8-year-old pit bull, underwent emergency surgery after a freight train struck her. The dog pulled her owner, Christine Spain, to safety after Spain collapsed and fell unconscious on the track. (Photo Courtesy of MSPCA-Angell)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

UPDATE: War dog to reunite with former Marine

Here's an article about a war dog that may actually get to retire with its handler.  That will be something because the military is not known for caring about the welfare of these dogs once their usefulness is over.  Please read the following article and let me know what you think, won't you?


Aging U.S. military working dog Sgt. Rex has been cleared for adoption and will soon reunite with former U.S. Marine Cpl. Megan Leavey, his friend and former handler.
Leavey served two six-month tours of duty in Iraq alongside Rex, a German Shepherd. The pair located roadside bombs and improvised explosive devices (IEDs). In 2006, the two were injured together by an IED; wounded, Leavey and Rex spent a year in recovery, only to be separated in 2007.
Since their separation, Leavey has been petitioning the U.S. military to allow Rex to retire under her care. When Rex’s health and age prevented him from serving at Camp Pendleton, Leavey contacted U.S. Sen. Schumer (D-NY), hoping that his support would help expedite the adoption process. Leavey and Schumer launched a campaign for Rex’s release that gained press attention across the country; a petition on the senator’s website amassed over 20,000 signatures.
When word of the approved adoption came through, Schumer’s office expressed their gratitude, thanking everyone across the country who offered their support. “One canine, one human, both heroes,” Schumer’s office said. “They should be united shortly and we’re glad it’s happening.”
Leavey is overjoyed, and looking forward to seeing her best friend. “Rex and I went through a great deal together and I am just so grateful that we will be reunited again,” she said.
“We anticipate that as early as next week, Megan and the military working dog that goes by the name of Rex will be reunited,” said Capt. Barry Edwards, a spokesperson for the Marine base at Camp Pendleton. “We wish Rex all the best in his coming years of relaxation with Megan.”
Though looks like Rex and Leavey will finally have the happy ending they both deserve, there is still much to be done to help other U.S. military working dogs.
“While the cause of reuniting Corporal Leavey and Sergeant Rex has inspired a country, there are hundreds of military working dogs, like Rex that also will one day need to come back to caring homes,” Schumer said in an email Tuesday afternoon.
Schumer went on to express his support for the Canine Members of the Armed Forces Act, which, if passed, will streamline the adoption process for retired military working dogs. To join the senator in supporting this legislation, contact your U.S. senators and representatives today.
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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dog Ear Infection: How To Finally Stop It With Natural Remedies

Here's an interesting article on treating your dog's ear infection yourself, at home.  This article is written by a Canadian Veterinarian and gives simple to understand and effective treatment ideas.  I know that when my baby is scratching and shaking his head, I'm really miserable for him.  Now I know what to do for this and will be able to give him relief sooner rather than later.  If this fails, he'll go to the vet as usual.

Please enjoy this article.  He has many more posted at his site, so stay a while and browse.  You might learn something you didn't know there.

By Dr Andrew | January 5, 2012
Dog Ear Infection: How To Finally Stop It With Natural Remedies
If your dog has been shaking his head and scratching at his ears, then he likely has an ear infection. Ear infections in dogs are very common but often very frustrating; they can quickly and often do re-occur leaving you wondering if you can ever get rid of them. This article will go over the most common causes of ear infections, and give you the most effective at home remedies to finally stop your dog’s ear infection.
Most pet owners can easily tell if their dog has an ear infection by looking into and their dog’s ear. A normal ear is light pink, not tender and easy to examine. In dog ear infections you will see a foul-smelling black, yellow or brown discharge. The ears may be very red and tender.
Most ear infections are caused by an underlying allergy. Some are caused by water in the ear after bathing or swimming. Dogs with large floppy ears, such as Basset Hounds, are prone to infections as their ear canals have poor air circulation, trapping moisture and allowing bacteria and yeast to grow.
Dogs with ear infections caused by yeast usually have a black discharge; this is commonly second to an allergy. Dogs with bacterial ear infections often have an organism called Staphylococcus; in rare cases a more serious infection is caused by a bacteria called Pseudomonas.
White vinegar (acetic acid) is very effective at removing debris from the ears and killing the yeast and bacteria responsible for ear infections. The vinegar is anti-fungal, so in many cases it alone can resolve your dog’s ear infection. If your dog has red, open wounds, do not use this as it will be painful. You need to use a soothing topical first (i.e. olive oil and Vitamin E). Dilute the vinegar with water 50:50, pick up a syringe from your local pharmacy and put 5 ml of the vinegar solution per 20 lbs of body weight into the affected ear. (Your cat would get 2.5 ml or 1/2 a tsp). Grab the ear where it attaches to the head (at the ear base), gently squeeze your thumb and forefinger together, rubbing the solution deep into the ear canals. Wipe the inside of the ear well with cotton balls to remove debris coming from the ear canal. Continue to do this daily for 5-7 days. For dogs with recurring infections, this can be done weekly.
Healing oils are especially helpful if your dog’s ears are inflamed and difficult to touch. You can use a mixture of 1 tablespoon of Olive Oil combined with 1 capsule of Vitamin E and crushed garlic. Insert that into your pets ear. Let it soak for 5 minutes, then rub the base of the ear well and wipe out excess debris with a cotton ball. The garlic is anti-fungal, so often helps with recurring ear infections.
For dogs that get recurring ear infections it is important to try a less allergenic diet. It should include a completely different protein with minimal added ingredients. One example commercial diet is made of fish and sweet potato...[read more]
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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Friday, December 16, 2011

Heartwarming story from ASPCA -- Aurora

Here's a before picture

Here's the after pic!
ASPCA We Never Gave Up on Aurora
Dashed Line

We met Aurora in 2010 at a rural Tennessee sanctuary gone terribly wrong. Sick and severely neglected dogs were chained to posts, roaming the property or seeking shade from the summer sun in overturned barrels.

We rescued all 85 dogs from the property that day and brought 12 back to the ASPCA’s headquarters in New York. One of them was Aurora.

When Aurora arrived in NYC, she was very fearful and sick. She had a severe heartworm infection, a malignant mass in her mammary gland and serious dental problems. But the ASPCA never gave up on Aurora.

Under our care, Aurora was treated for her ailments, all the while receiving love and socialization from ASPCA staff. And as she regained her health, something else happened: Aurora came out of her shell, revealing herself to be a major goofball and a total sweetheart.

But finding a home for a 65-pound older hound in the city wasn’t easy. Fortunately, because of your support, the ASPCA has the resources to wait for just the right home for our animals. And one day in July, about a year after Aurora arrived in New York, it happened.

David Cruz met Aurora at our Adoption Center, and it was love at first sight. And after learning about her past, he told us, he and his wife “wanted to give her a home and a place where she could be loved.”

This year, Aurora is spending her first holiday season in a loving home, and it is entirely thanks to the generosity and compassion of supporters like you. Still, for every animal enjoying a happy ending, another is waiting for your help. Please make a gift today and help us change even more animals’ lives. Pets like Aurora are counting on you.

For the first time in her life,
Aurora is home for the holidays.

The ASPCA rescued Aurora from a dire hoarding situation in 2010. This year, she’s celebrating the holidays in a loving home. Aurora’s story is possible because of the generosity of supporters like you.

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Mitral Valve Disease and Dogs

  Let’s chat about something that’s really important for our furry friends—mitral valve disease (MVD) in dogs. If you’ve never heard of it, ...