Friday, February 24, 2023

Pet Safety in cars or trucks--a pet owners responsibility

 When I traveled across country to do my travel nursing in California, my buddy, Satchmo rode in the car with me.  He loved going in the car.  He was such a good travel buddy; but he was small (101bs.) and had a delicate bone structure, so I had to take extra steps to ensure his safety in the car.

He had a booster seat that was soft and padded with railing and it also had a tether built into the seat.  You just put the seat belt through the openings in the bottom of the seat and then he was good to go.

He loved it because it set him up high enough to see out the window without having to stand up.  He loved when a semi-truck would go by and he would bark at it. He never minded being put in

the seat and hooked up so he couldn't jump out.  He seemed to understand that he was safe and settled down to enjoy his trip.

We traveled back and forth from California to Texas that way, stopping at nights to rest and walk around--he liked smelling all the new senses along our route.  He was a fun dog and I miss him terribly.

I recently saw an article that made me think about this issue again recently.  It seems that Florida is about to enact a law to prevent dogs from hanging out of car windows, make is illegal to transport your pet without some form of tether/restraint, ride in the driver's lap or ride on motorcycles.  It is an interesting read and you can do so here.

So then I wondered how many other states have similar laws and I did a Google search for that. I found that there are some states that require restraint of pets in cars and other vehicles (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island). Although the following states don’t require pets to be restrained, they have enacted laws that could provide consequences for transporting unrestrained pets: Arizona, Hawaii, Iowa, South Carolina, Washington, Washington D.C., and Wisconsin. Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont and Virginia have ambiguous laws about safety of pets and others while in vehicles. 

 The following states also make carrying unsecured animals in an open truck bed illegal: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Oregon, and Washington.  Do you know the law in your state?

There are many state laws that make it illegal to leave a pet unsupervised in a vehicle no matter what the temperature is outside.  Do you know if your state is one of these states?

Here is an interesting article about pet safety in cars and explains the benefits and risks of traveling with unrestrained pets very clearly so you can readily understand what is at stake.  We are not only talking about the safety of your pet, but your safety from driving distractions, other people's safety due to your distraction and the potential of your own liability should there be an accident.

How is this Safe?

It might be good for you to check out your state laws about the transport of pets in vehicles and about leaving pets unattended.  You may be surprised to discover that you are not following those laws because no one had told you about them.

I know I was surprised, but my state is one of those Ambiguous states, so I still am not sure what I am expected by law to be doing.  I hope this has educated you on this very serious issue.  Let me know what you think about it.

Friday, February 17, 2023

Does Anyone Remember the Michael Vick Victory Dogs?

 Back in 2007, Michael Vick was exposed as an owner of the Bad Newz  Kennels in Virginia.  It was a place of unbelievable horror for the dogs residing in those cages.  Mr. Vick and his crew routinely tortured and killed those dogs when they would not fight with each other.  They provided dogs for illegal dog fighting venues, so if a dog would not become vicious enough, even with torture, they would kill them for sport.

When this cam to light, the Feds raided the kennels and rescued 48 Pitbull dogs from the confines of the kennels.  Mr. Vick was charged with numerous crimes and spent 18 months in prison, which ended his NFL career as a quarterback with the Atlanta Falcons.

The site was purchased in 2011 and turned into the Good News Rehab Center.

This case was the first time that the animals were not summarily destroyed, but rather they were sent to Utah and other rescues to rehabilitate them.  This had never been done before and happened in a large part because of the uproar of normal citizens and the intervention of the Best Friends Animal Rescue in Utah.

It seems that we, as a group, have a very short memory, because Mr. Vick returned to football upon his release and now is into sportscasting.  He claims to be sorry for the events in his past, but mostly it seems, he is sorry he was caught and caused his career to implode.  He has never one time expressed any concern or regret for his actions that caused such harm and injury to those dogs.  

Unfortunately, despite a large outcry by the public, he has also been allowed to own a dog again.  He now owns a Belgian Malinois despite his past crimes against dogs.

Michael Vick's new dog

His response in an interview was as follows:

In 2019, Vick told The Washington Post that his animal rights crimes are merely a thing of the past. Water under the bridge.

“I think people have moved on. I think they’ve moved past it. It’s been 12-plus years since it all happened, so I don’t get any questions about it anymore. People don’t talk about it. They don’t ask me about it. Life is kind of normal. But I still have a responsibility, and that will never change.”

In a follow-up interview, he told the news site in 2021 he regrets it all — mainly because the case affected his chances of getting into the Hall of Fame.

'S--t, it hurt [my chances of] going in the Hall of Fame. It's going to impact everything. But it was all self-inflicted. I was young. I didn't have no guidance. I don't use this as no excuse. I could've said, 'No.' I could've made those right decisions, like, 'This ain't for me.' That's a blemish that I will never be able to erase." (

Upon rescue, many of the dogs were able to be adopted because they showed no damage to their ability to bond with people (possible they were new recruits to the kennels).  However many of them were judged too damaged to be adopted and went to live at the Best Friends Sanctuary in Utah for the rest of their lives.  

Once there, they received constant supervision, positive reinforcement, love and affection from staff and even spent the night at various employee's homes to give them a feeling of family.  They lived a very good life while at the Sanctuary and many were able to be deemed fit for adoption, which is what many people were waiting for.

There is a book on Amazon that discusses this event in detail and is a quick read.  I highly recommend it.  Here is the link to pick it up if you are of a mind to. (I am an affiliate, so I might get a few pennies if you buy through my link)

I also recommend you read several of the posts here and here on this blog about the struggles made by the Vick dogs to be rehabilitated.

Here is a link to an article by the Best Friends Sanctuary about the dogs if you would like to see how they did.  They had the best life possible after they were rescued and they proved the resilience and the heart that these dogs possessed.

Unfortunately, all of the Vick Dogs have gone over the Rainbow Bridge and are all now together again.  What bothers me though, is that there are so many people who choose to forget Vick's crimes, choose to minimize his crimes, simply don't know anything about his crimes, or were born after the fact and no one educated them on this issue.

Cruelty to animals is a crime, period.  It is a legal crime, it is a social crime, it is a personal crime, it is an emotional crime.  When will we start teaching our children how to behave with animals so as to prevent such things from every happening again.

Unfortunately, the Vick event did nothing to stop the abuse of animals for fighting rings.  It just makes me sick.

Here is a link to read the legal charges filed against Vick and his crew.

Friday, February 10, 2023

Dogs for Veterans with PTSD--still a work in progress

Back in 2011, I posted on my Facebook page, Pets are a Blessing, about a law that was before Congress to have the VA acknowledge and initiate pets for veterans returning from the war in Iraq.  It has long been known that pets (especially dogs) are extremely sensitive to the needs of people suffering from post traumatic stress.  There is quite a bit of science behind this fact.  However, ten years later, the VA is just now moving on this law, called the PAWS Act; but they are planning to pilot this act and gather data on its efficacy over five years!  

The pilot program will be offered at the following five VA medical centers:

  • Anchorage, Alaska.
  • Asheville, N.C.
  • Palo Alto, Calif.
  • San Antonio, Texas.
  • West Palm Beach, Fla.

Now I know that our government moves at a snail's pace, but really 10 years to just get it passed and another 5 years to pilot a program that so many veterans need right now?  I don't understand this.

If this makes you as mad as it makes me, let your congressman know how you feel about this.  With so many dogs wasting away in shelters, pounds, and rescues, this could be a godsend for them as well as the veterans who get them.

Here are two articles about this you might want to check out:

VA shares implementation plan and locations of PAWS Act pilot program

Kaya, a furry ambassador for veterans and service dogs, has died

Friday, February 3, 2023

Potty Training a Puppy: Why It Can Be So Hard

 If you’ve ever owned a puppy, you know that potty training them can be very difficult. It’s a common challenge that all puppy owners face. It requires a lot of patience and consistency to housebreak a puppy, but it can be done. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why it can be so hard to potty train a puppy, and some tips to make it easier.

house training for you puppy

  • First, it’s important to understand why puppies have such a hard time being house trained. 
For starters, puppies are still learning about the world around them. They’re young and inexperienced, and they don’t always know what’s expected of them. Puppies also have very small bladders and weak sphincter muscles, which means they need to go out more frequently than an adult dog. Finally, puppies are still learning how to control their bladder and bowel movements, so they can’t always hold it until they get to their designated bathroom spot.

house training your puppy

  • Once you understand why potty training a puppy is difficult, you can start to figure out how to make it easier. 

The most important thing is to be patient and to reinforce the desired behaviors. It’s also important to be consistent with the potty training process. Take your puppy outside to the same spot every time, and offer them rewards when they use the bathroom outside. Praise them and give them a treat when they do the right thing, and make sure to clean up any accidents quickly and efficiently so they don’t associate that spot with going to the bathroom.

  • Another important tip to remember is to establish a routine. 
Take your puppy out at the same times each day, and give them plenty of opportunities to go to the bathroom. It’s also a good idea to take them out after eating or drinking, as well as after playing or during periods of high energy.

  • potty training your puppy
    Finally, remember that house training a puppy takes time and patience.
It may take several months before your puppy is fully housebroken, and even then, there may be occasional accidents. Don’t get frustrated, and stay consistent with the potty training process. With some patience and consistency, you’ll be able to housebreak your puppy in no time.

In conclusion, housebreaking a puppy can be a difficult process, but it’s not impossible. The key is to be patient and consistent more than anything. Establish a routine and reward your puppy for going to the bathroom outside. With some patience and dedication, you’ll be able to house break your puppy in no time.

how to potty train your puppy

If you are struggling with training your puppy, you may be interested in this training product.  In this training guide, you will learn from an experienced trainerwho uses positive reinforcement techniques and fun exercises to help you teach your new family member how to be good.

Another good resource to have for your new puppy is this.  Here you can get everything you may need for that puppy and have it delivered right to your door. The prices are very low and the products are quality.  Use this resource to take good care of your puppy and to save you money and time.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Research about dogs in the Pandemic

 During the Pandemic, when we all were basically shut down for 2 whole years, the one thing that made life bearable for me was my fur babies.  I talked to them when I was lonely and they returned unadulterated love and attention.  I walked them to get out of the house (wearing a mask, of course) and in return they jumped and performed for me causing me to relax and laugh at their antics.  

My dogs kept me sane when our world was insane.  I just thought that was me and my babies, but I found this article on the internet that discusses a research project to define and quantify the effect of having a dog on us during this dark period in our lives.  It is an interesting article and supports my findings personally.  You can read part of this below but do click over to the article to read it all.  See if you agree with their conclusions.


Unsung Heroes of the Pandemic: Dogs

By Cara Murez
HealthDay Reporter

THURSDAY, Dec. 16, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Coping with the isolation, fear and sadness of the pandemic may have been a little easier if you had a trusting and loving dog by your side.

But you don't need to tell that to Francois Martin, a researcher who studies the bonds between animals and humans. His two Great Danes helped him through the last two years, and he just completed a study that shows living with a dog gave folks a stronger sense of social support and eased some of the negative psychological effects of the pandemic.

"When you ask people, 'Why is your dog important to you? What does your dog bring to you?' People will say that it's companionship. It's the feeling of belonging to a group that includes your family dog. It keeps people busy," said Martin, who is section leader for the Behavior and Welfare Group at Nestle Purina in St. Joseph, Mo. "If you have a dog, you have to walk the dog, you have to exercise the dog. It gives you a sense of purpose.

It's "just plain fun," Martin added. "I don't know anybody who is as happy as my dogs to see me every day."

His team saw the pandemic as a unique time to better understand how dogs provide social support to their owners...
(read the entire article here)

Service Animals are Workers

What do you know about service animals? They’re such amazing creatures and do incredible things for people with disabilities. You know, serv...