Showing posts with label pet health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pet health. Show all posts

Friday, February 2, 2024

Welcome to a world where wagging tails and purring companions aren't just a part of our homes, but a vibrant part of our lives. Have you ever watched your dog chase a ball with boundless energy or seen your cat pounce playfully on a toy? These moments aren't just cute; they're a crucial part of keeping our furry friends happy and healthy. In this post, we'll dive into the fascinating world of pet exercise and mental stimulation, exploring why these activities are so important and how we can make them a fun part of our daily routine. So, grab a comfy seat (and maybe your four-legged friend too), and let's get started!

Why exactly do our furry friends need both physical exercise and mental stimulation? The answer lies in their overall well-being. Just like humans, pets thrive when their physical and mental needs are met.

 Here’s why this combination is so crucial:
  1. Physical Health: Regular exercise helps pets maintain a healthy weight, strengthens their muscles, and improves cardiovascular health. It's especially important for high-energy breeds that require more activity to stay fit and happy.
  2. Mental Health: Mental stimulation keeps their minds sharp. Activities that challenge their brains help prevent cognitive decline, especially in older pets. It’s like a workout for their brain!
  3. Behavioral Benefits: A well-exercised and mentally stimulated pet is a well-behaved pet. Many common behavioral issues, like excessive barking or chewing in dogs, or scratching and aggression in cats, stem from boredom and excess energy. Keeping them engaged reduces these problems significantly.
  4. Emotional Well-being: Regular play and interaction foster a deeper bond between pets and their owners. It’s not just about keeping them busy; it’s about nurturing a loving and understanding relationship.

Prevention of Health Issues: 

Exercise and mental activities can prevent various health problems, including obesity, heart disease, and anxiety-related disorders.

So, let’s get moving and thinking with our four-legged companions! Now, let's look at how to recognize if your pet needs more exercise and mental stimulation.

It's vital to recognize when our pets are not getting enough exercise or mental stimulation. Here are some key signs to look out for in both dogs and cats:

  1. Restlessness and Destructive Behavior: Is your dog digging up the garden more than usual? Is your cat scratching furniture relentlessly? These behaviors often indicate pent-up energy and boredom.
  2. Excessive Barking or Meowing: While some vocalization is normal, excessive noise can be a cry for more interaction and activity.
  3. Lethargy or Depression: Just like humans, pets can get the blues. A lack of physical activity and mental engagement can lead to a noticeable drop in energy and enthusiasm.
  4. Overeating or Lack of Appetite: Changes in eating habits can be a sign of emotional distress due to insufficient stimulation.
  5. Sleeping More Than Usual: While cats naturally sleep a lot, too much sleep in dogs or a significant increase in your cat's sleeping habits could be a sign of boredom.
  6. Obsessive Behaviors: Over-grooming in cats or obsessive tail-chasing in dogs can be a response to lack of mental engagement.

Recognizing these signs is the first step towards providing a healthier, happier life for your pets. Next, we'll explore fun and effective ways to exercise both dogs and cats.

Keeping your pet physically active is not just essential for their health, but it can also be a lot of fun! Let's explore some engaging exercise ideas for both dogs and cats:

For Dogs:

  1. Walks and Runs: The classic walk is always a winner. Vary your routes to keep it interesting. For more active breeds, consider jogging or running.
  2. Fetch: It’s a great way to get your dog moving, plus it strengthens your bond.
  3. Tug-of-War: A fantastic way to engage their muscles and satisfy their play instincts.
  4. Agility Training: Set up a mini obstacle course in your backyard for a fun challenge.
  5. Swimming: If your dog enjoys water, swimming is an excellent, low-impact exercise.

For Cats:

  1. Feather Wands and Laser Pointers: These toys stimulate their hunting instincts and get them leaping and pouncing.
  2. Interactive Toys: Puzzle toys and treat-dispensing gadgets provide both physical activity and mental stimulation.
  3. Cat Trees and Climbing Shelves: These not only encourage climbing and jumping but also cater to their love for high vantage points.
  4. Hide and Seek with Treats: Hiding treats around the house encourages exploration and exercise.
  5. Playtime with You: Engaging directly with your cat, whether it’s through a game of chase or using simple toys like strings or balls, is invaluable.

Remember, the key is to find activities that both you and your pet enjoy. This not only ensures they get the exercise they need but also strengthens the bond you share with them. Up next, we'll look into mental stimulation techniques for your furry companions.

Just as our bodies need exercise, our pets' minds need challenges to stay sharp and engaged. Here are some creative ways to provide mental stimulation for both dogs and cats:

For Dogs:

  1. Puzzle Toys: These toys make your dog work a little for their treats, stimulating their brain in the process.
  2. Obedience Training: Regular training sessions challenge your dog's mind. Learning new commands or tricks keeps them mentally sharp.
  3. Interactive Games: Games like hide-and-seek or find-the-treat engage your dog's senses and problem-solving skills.
  4. New Experiences: Regularly introducing your dog to new environments, smells, and sights can provide mental stimulation.
  5. Socialization: Playdates with other dogs encourage social skills and mental engagement.

For Cats:

  1. Interactive Cat Toys: Toys that mimic the movement of prey, like a laser pointer or a feather wand, stimulate your cat's natural hunting instincts.
  2. Food Puzzles: These can be store-bought or homemade and encourage your cat to think creatively to access treats.
  3. Training Sessions: Yes, cats can be trained too! Teaching them tricks or commands can be a fun way to challenge their minds.
  4. Exploration Opportunities: Allowing your cat safe access to explore new areas, like a secured balcony or a new room, can be mentally stimulating.
  5. Regular Playtime: Engaging directly with your cat in play can stimulate their mind and strengthen your bond.
We have talked about most of this before here, but it always bears repeating. 
Remember, mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise for your pet's overall health. A mentally engaged pet is a happy and healthy one!

As we wrap up our journey into the world of pet exercise and mental stimulation, it’s clear that these aspects play a vital role in the overall happiness and health of our pets. By incorporating a mix of physical activities and mental challenges into their daily routines, we not only ensure that our pets are physically fit and mentally sharp but also deepen the bond we share with them.

Remember, a tired pet is a happy pet, and a stimulated pet is an engaged and well-behaved companion. So, take the time to explore different activities with your furry friend, and watch as they flourish into well-rounded and content members of your family.

We hope this guide has inspired you to get creative with your pet's exercise and mental enrichment. Share your experiences and tips in the comments below – we'd love to hear how you keep your pets active and engaged!

Check out these articles for more information:

Friday, January 19, 2024

Protecting Your Pets in Extreme Weather: Essential Tips

As pet owners, our furry friends are not just animals; they are family. Just like us, they feel the brunt of extreme weather, be it the biting cold of winter or the scorching heat of summer. Understanding how to protect and care for them during these times is crucial. In this post, we'll explore essential tips for keeping your pets safe and comfortable, no matter what the thermometer reads.
Pets are Family
Although we have never addressed this particular issue before, we have addressed safety in cars before and you can read that here if you missed it.

Battling the Freeze - Caring for Pets in Cold Weather

  1. Keep Them Indoors: The simplest and most effective way to protect your pets from the cold is to keep them inside, especially during extreme cold snaps.
  2. Bundle Them Up: Short-haired pets benefit from wearing coats or sweaters during walks. Remember, if it's too cold for you, it's probably too cold for your pet.
  3. Paw Protection: Use pet-safe ice melts on your driveways and sidewalks. Check your pet's paws regularly for signs of cold-weather injury or damage, such as cracked paw pads.
  4. Cozy warm bed
    Avoid Antifreeze: Antifreeze is lethal for pets, yet they are attracted to its taste. Always clean up spills and store antifreeze out of reach.
  5. Provide a Cozy Bed: Ensure your pet has a warm, draft-free place to sleep, away from cold floors or drafts.

Surviving the Scorch: Caring for Pets in Hot Weather

  1. Keep them hydrated
    Hydration is Key: Always ensure your pets have access to fresh, clean water. Overheating can cause dehydration.
  2. Never Leave Pets in Cars: Temperatures in a car can skyrocket in minutes, even with the windows open.
    Signs of heatstroke
  3. Mind the Paws: Hot pavements can burn your pet's paws. Walk them on grass or during cooler parts of the day.
  4. Provide Shade and Cool Spaces: Whether indoors or outdoors, pets need a cool, shady place to escape the sun.
  5. Watch for Heatstroke Signs: Symptoms include excessive panting, drooling, lethargy, and in severe cases, collapse. If you suspect heatstroke, contact your vet immediately.

  Regular Year-Round Tips

  1. Regular Vet Checks
    Vet Check-Ups: Regular check-ups can help identify issues related to weather extremes.
  2. Grooming: Proper grooming can help pets better regulate their body temperature.
  3. Know Your Breed: Some breeds are more susceptible to weather extremes than others. Know your pet's limits.
Our pets rely on us for their well-being, and this responsibility grows during extreme weather conditions. By following these tips, you can ensure that your furry family members stay safe and comfortable, no matter what the weather brings.

Love your pets by preparing for the weather. Share your own tips and experiences in the comments below, and let's keep our pets happy and healthy together!


Friday, November 17, 2023

Navigating the World of Pet Supplements: Ensuring the Best for Your Furry Friends

In recent years, the focus on pet health and wellness has significantly intensified. As pet owners, we constantly seek ways to improve the quality of life for our furry companions. 

We've talked before about pet health and common conditions to watch out for here.  We also talked about using CBD oil with your pet, and that is one type of supplement.

One area that has seen a notable surge in interest is the use of pet supplements. But what exactly are these supplements, and how do they contribute to the well-being of our pets? This blog post goes into the world of pet supplements, exploring their benefits, uses, and how to gauge their effectiveness.

What Are Pet Supplements?
What are pet supplements

Pet supplements are products designed to provide nutrients or compounds that may not be sufficiently available in a pet's regular diet. These can range from vitamins and minerals to probiotics, enzymes, and even fatty acids. Unlike medications, which are used to treat specific health conditions, supplements are generally used to support overall health and well-being. They come in various forms, including chews, pills, powders, and liquids, making them easy to incorporate into your pet’s diet.

Why Use Pet Supplements? 
dog supplements

The reasons for incorporating supplements into your pet's regimen can be as varied as the pets themselves. Some common motivations include:
  • Age-Related Support: As pets age, their nutritional needs can change. Supplements like glucosamine can support joint health, while antioxidants can help combat the effects of aging.
  • Dietary Deficiencies: Pets on homemade diets, or those with selective eating habits, might miss out on essential nutrients. Supplements can help fill these nutritional gaps.
  • Health Conditions: Pets with specific health issues, such as skin allergies or digestive problems, may benefit from targeted supplements like omega fatty acids or probiotics.

What Do Pet Supplements Do? 
What lpet supplements do

The role of supplements is to support the overall health of your pet. For example, omega-3 fatty acids can promote a healthy coat and skin, probiotics can aid in digestion, and antioxidants can support immune health. However, it's crucial to understand that supplements are not cures but rather a means to support various aspects of your pet's health.

How to Know if Supplements are Working 

Evaluating the effectiveness of supplements can be subtle and gradual. Here are some signs to look for:
Are they working?

  • Improved Energy Levels: A general increase in vitality or activity levels can be a good indicator.
  • Better Coat and Skin Health: Look for a shinier coat and healthier skin.
  • Digestive Regularity: Improvements in digestion can often be seen in more consistent and healthy bowel movements.
  • Behavioral Changes: Positive changes in behavior, such as reduced anxiety or increased playfulness, can also be a sign of effective supplementation.

Pet supplements can be a valuable addition to your pet's health regimen, but it's essential to approach them with care. Always consult with a veterinarian before starting any new supplement to ensure it's appropriate for your pet's specific health needs. 

Remember, supplements should complement, not replace, a well-balanced diet. With the right approach, pet supplements can play a significant role in maintaining the health and happiness of your beloved companion.

supplements complement

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult with a veterinarian for professional guidance regarding your pet's health.


Friday, August 4, 2023

10 Essential Tips for Keeping Your Pet Healthy and Happy

As a dedicated pet owner, nothing brings me more joy than seeing my furry companion living a long, healthy, and happy life. Just like humans, pets require love, attention, and proper care to thrive. In this blog, I'll share 10 essential tips that have helped me ensure my pet's well-being. From providing nutritious meals to engaging in Brain Training for Dogs, let's dive in and discover the best practices for a pet's optimal health and happiness.

Healthy Nutrition:

One of the pillars of a healthy pet is a balanced diet. Offering high-quality pet food tailored to your furry friend's specific needs is vital. Consult your veterinarian to determine the best diet for your pet's age, breed, and health conditions. A nutritious diet helps maintain a healthy weight and supports your pet's immune system.

 Regular Exercise:

Just like humans, pets need regular physical activity to stay in shape and prevent obesity-related issues. Engage in daily walks, play fetch, or create interactive games to keep your pet physically active. Not only will this help their cardiovascular health, but it will also deepen the bond between you and your fur baby.

Mental Stimulation:

Introducing your dog to brain training exercises is an excellent way to stimulate their mental abilities. These fun and challenging games provide mental enrichment, prevent boredom, and enhance problem-solving skills. Brain Training for Dogs is an innovative approach that can lead to a happier and more well-behaved pet.

Regular Vet Check-ups:

Preventive care is key to a healthy pet. Schedule regular check-ups with your veterinarian to catch any potential health issues early on. Vaccinations, dental check-ups, and routine examinations are essential to ensuring your pet's overall well-being.

Hygiene and Grooming:

Regular grooming is not just about aesthetics; it's a crucial aspect of your pet's health. Brush their fur regularly to prevent matting, trim their nails to avoid discomfort, and clean their ears to prevent infections. Additionally, schedule baths as needed to keep their coat clean and shiny.

Provide a Safe Environment:

Creating a safe and comfortable environment for your pet is essential for their overall health. Remove any potential hazards, secure dangerous items, and make sure your home is a pet-friendly space. Also, offer a cozy and quiet spot for them to rest and relax.

Plenty of Love and Attention:

Pets thrive on love and affection, just like we do. Spend quality time with your furry companion, play with them, and offer cuddles and praise. This emotional connection will strengthen the bond between you and your pet, leading to a happier and healthier pet.


Exposing your pet to new people, animals, and environments helps build their social skills. Properly socialized pets are often more well-adjusted and less anxious. Gradually introduce your pet to new situations, ensuring they feel comfortable and safe.

Pet Dental Care:

Dental health is often overlooked but critical for your pet's overall well-being. Dental problems can lead to pain and various health issues. Regularly brush your pet's teeth and provide dental treats or toys to promote oral hygiene.

Monitor Their Behavior:

As a responsible pet owner, it's essential to be attentive to your pet's behavior. Notice any changes in their eating habits, energy levels, or demeanor. Identifying unusual behaviors early on can be crucial in detecting potential health problems.

Being a pet owner comes with great responsibility, but the rewards of having a happy and healthy companion are immeasurable. By following these 10 essential tips – from providing a nutritious diet to embracing mental stimulation – you'll ensure that your pet lives a long, healthy, and joyful life by your side. Cherish the moments you share with your furry friend and commit to their well-being, and you'll both enjoy a fulfilling journey together.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Unleashing Love: The Ultimate Guide to Pet Adoption Sites Online.

 The Rise of Online Pet Adoption Sites

The internet has revolutionized the way we live our lives, and pet adoption is no exception. In the past, those who were interested in adopting a furry friend had to rely on their local animal shelters or pet stores. 

However, with the advent of online pet adoption sites, prospective adopters have a wider range of pets to choose from and can easily find their perfect match with just a few clicks. The first online pet adoption site was launched in 1995 by Eric Borgos. 

The website known as "Petfinder" quickly gained popularity among animal lovers and rescue organizations alike. Petfinder allowed for rescues to list available animals on the site for free, which helped connect them with potential adopters across the country. 

Today, Petfinder has over 3000 animal shelters and rescue organizations listed on its website. The importance of pet adoption cannot be overstated. 

According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), approximately 6.5 million companion animals enter U.S shelters every year. Without adoption, these animals may face euthanasia or live in cramped conditions for extended periods of time. 

Adoption through online sites has become incredibly popular over recent years due to its convenience and accessibility. The ability to browse through hundreds if not thousands of pets from different states in one sitting is highly appealing compared to going from store-to-store looking at individual pets that are usually expensive - especially if you're looking for specific breeds or exotic species that are harder to find locally. 

What is Pet Adoption?

Pet adoption is where people welcome dogs, cats or other pets into their families by taking them from care centers such as animal shelters or rescues instead of buying them from pet stores and breeders. Adoption centers work to ensure that their pets are well-fed, cared for and medically attended to before being adopted. 

After adoption, owners may receive training and advice on how to take care of their pets properly. While adoption is a great way to provide homes for animals in need, it’s not only about giving pets a roof over their heads.

 Pets offer many benefits to their owners; they can provide companionship, reduce stress levels, aid in depression and anxiety reduction, offer exercise opportunities through playing or walking with them. Studies have also shown that owning a pet can lead to lower blood pressure levels among other health benefits. 

Adopting a pet is an important decision, and one that should be taken seriously. It's vital that you consider your lifestyle when trying to choose the right pet for your family; whether you are looking for an active dog or a cat who prefers lounging indoors - there is always an animal suited towards your lifestyle. 

Adopting pets online has become increasingly popular over the years as technology continues advancing. Pet adoption sites provide an easy and accessible way of finding animals in need of loving homes while also offering numerous benefits for adopters themselves such as improved mental health and physical fitness levels. 

Overview of Popular Pet Adoption Sites

Some of the most well-known pet adoption sites include: 

Petfinder: Arguably the most recognizable name in online pet adoptions, Petfinder boasts over 11,000 animal shelters and rescue organizations from across the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Users can search by location, breed, age, gender and more. 

Adopt-a-Pet: A similar site to Petfinder that also allows users to search by location and breed preferences. Adopt-a-Pet’s unique feature is their “Best Match” option that pairs pets with potential adopters based on compatibility. 

Petango: Another site that partners with animal welfare organizations across North America to connect pets in need with caring families. One standout feature is their use of machine learning algorithms to match pets with potential adopters based on personality traits. 

Comparison of Features and Services Offered by Each Site

Each site has its own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to features and services offered. For example: 

Petfinder: Offers a robust search engine with a wide range of parameters for finding your perfect pet. Also provides resources such as articles on training tips and advice for first-time pet owners. 

Adopt-a-Pet: Provides a user-friendly interface and unique “Best Match” option for finding compatible pets. Also offers resources such as articles on nutrition and wellness tips. 

Petango: Offers machine-learning algorithms to help match pets with adopters based on personalities. Provides users with a seamless experience across desktop and mobile devices. 

Tips for finding the right pet on adoption sites

Adopting a new pet is an exciting time, but it can also be overwhelming. With so many adorable pets to choose from on pet adoption sites, it's easy to get lost in the sea of options.

 Here are some tips for finding the perfect furry friend:

 1. Narrow down your search: When browsing adoption sites, use filters to narrow down your search based on animal type, breed, age, and location. This will help you focus your search and find pets that meet your specific criteria. 

2. Read the animal's profile carefully: Each animal has their own unique personality and needs. Read their profile thoroughly to get a sense of what they're like and if they would be a good fit for your lifestyle. 

3. Look for photos and videos: Photos can give you an idea of what the animal looks like, but videos can provide more insight into their personality and behavior. 

4. Consider special needs pets: Don't overlook animals with special needs or medical conditions. They may require extra care, but they also have so much love to give and deserve a chance at a happy life. 

Understanding the adoption process and requirements

The adoption process can vary depending on which site or organization you use, but here are some general requirements you should be aware of: 

1. Adoption application: Most adoption processes begin with filling out an application form that includes basic information about yourself, living situation, and previous pet experience. 

2. Home visit: Some organizations may require a home visit before approving an adoption to ensure that your home is suitable for the chosen pet. 

3. Fees: Adoption fees vary based on where you adopt from and which animal you choose. 

4. Post-adoption follow-up visits: Some organizations may conduct follow-up visits after the adoption to ensure that everything is going well with both the pet and their new family. 

It's important to remember that the adoption process is in place to ensure that pets are placed in loving and appropriate homes. Be patient and honest throughout the process, and you'll soon find yourself with a new furry family member who will bring joy into your life.

Benefits of Adopting Pets Online

Convenience and accessibility

One of the major benefits of adopting pets online is how easy it is to browse different adoption sites from the comfort of your own home. Instead of visiting multiple animal shelters or breeders in person, you can simply use the internet to find a wide range of pets available for adoption. This convenience makes it much easier for people with busy schedules or those who live in remote areas to find and adopt a pet.

 Additionally, many pet adoption sites offer advanced search options that allow you to refine your search by location, breed, age, gender, and other criteria. This makes it easier than ever before to find a pet that fits your lifestyle and preferences. 

Wider variety of pets available

Another advantage of adopting pets online is that you have access to a much wider variety of animals than you might be able to find at local shelters or breeders. Many online adoption sites work with animal rescue organizations across the country, which means they can offer more diverse breeds and species than traditional brick-and-mortar shelters. 

In addition, some pet adoption sites partner with international organizations to bring in animals from other countries. This gives adopters the chance to give homes to animals that may have been abandoned or mistreated in their original homes overseas. 

Cost savings compared to buying from breeders

Adopting a pet through an online site can also be a more affordable option than buying from a breeder. While many reputable breeders charge premium prices for their purebred animals, most animal shelters and rescue organizations only require an adoption fee covering basic medical expenses like vaccinations and spaying/neutering surgeries. 

Additionally, some online adoption sites offer promotions or discounts on certain pets if they’ve been waiting for their forever home longer than others. Adopting these furry friends not only brings joy to the adopter but also helps these animals find a loving home and reduces overcrowding in shelters. 

It’s important to keep in mind that adopting an animal is a serious commitment that should not be taken lightly. However, if you’re ready for the responsibility and love that comes with owning a pet, adopting one through an online site can be a rewarding experience for both you and your new furry friend. 

Challenges and Risks

Scams and frauds

While there are many reputable pet adoption sites online, there are also scams and fraudulent activities that you need to watch out for. 

One common scam is the "puppy mill" scam, where the seller claims the pets are from a reputable breeder but in reality, they come from a puppy mill. 

Another scam is the "deposit" scam where the seller will demand a deposit before sending you the pet, but then disappear once they have your money. 

To avoid scams, make sure to do your research and only work with reputable adoption sites. 

Read reviews and check their reputation online. Don't be afraid to ask questions or follow up on any doubts or concerns you may have. 

Potential health or behavioral issues 

Adopting a pet online comes with potential health or behavioral issues that you need to be aware of. Adopted pets may have underlying medical conditions that were not disclosed by the site or previous owner. 

They may also have behavioral issues due to past experiences or lack of training. To minimize these risks, it's recommended that you adopt from a site that provides detailed information about each pet's medical history and behavior. 

You can also request for a vet checkup before finalizing your adoption. It's important to remember that adopting a pet requires patience, understanding, and some level of commitment as they adjust to their new environment. 

It’s important to note that even if an animal appears healthy upon adoption day doesn't mean they don't need to see a vet soon after. Cats and dogs need to be vaccinated, tested for parasites such as heartworm or tick-borne diseases, and spayed or neutered if not already done so before adoption. 

While there are certainly risks involved with adopting pets online, you can minimize those risks by doing your due diligence beforehand. By being vigilant and informed about potential scams and health/behavioral issues that may arise with an adopted pet, you'll be better prepared to provide a loving home for your new furry friend. 

Success Stories

Love at First Sight: A Rescue Dog's Happy Ending

Maggie was just a tiny puppy when she was found wandering on the streets by a rescue organization. She was malnourished, covered in fleas and ticks, and had scars all over her body from past injuries. 

It was clear that she had been neglected and mistreated by her previous owners. Her story touched the heart of a young couple who were browsing pet adoption sites online. 

The couple immediately fell in love with Maggie's big, adoring eyes and playful personality. They decided to adopt her and give her the loving home she deserved. 

After a few weeks of care and attention, Maggie started to transform into a happy, healthy dog. She gained weight, grew back her fur, and became more confident around people.

 Today, Maggie is thriving with her new family who can't imagine life without her. The couple says that adopting Maggie has been one of the best decisions they've ever made.

 A Cat's Second Chance at Life

Toby was a senior cat who had spent most of his life in a shelter waiting for someone to adopt him. He had been passed over many times due to his age and health issues, but that didn't stop one woman from falling in love with him on an adoption site. 

The woman knew that older cats often have trouble getting adopted because people prefer younger ones. But she also knew that Toby deserved a chance at happiness in his golden years too.

 After bringing Toby home, it wasn't long before he started showing his sweet and affectionate personality. He loved curling up next to his new owner on the couch for long naps or playing with toys together. 

Toby's new owner says that adopting him has been one of the most rewarding experiences of her life. She's grateful for the opportunity to give a senior cat a second chance at life and hopes that others will consider adopting older pets too. 

A Dog's Life-Saving Adoption

When a young family was browsing pet adoption sites online, they stumbled upon a dog named Rocky who had been rescued from an abusive home. Rocky was suffering from multiple injuries and trauma from his past experiences, but he still managed to wag his tail and show affection to anyone who approached him. 

The family knew that adopting Rocky would be a challenge, but they also knew that he deserved love and care just like any other pet. They took him home and started working with trainers to help him overcome his fears and anxieties. 

Over time, Rocky became more confident and playful with his new family. He learned how to trust people again and even made friends with other dogs in the neighborhood. 

The family says that adopting Rocky has not only changed their lives but also saved his life. He's now a happy and healthy dog who loves to go on walks, play fetch, and cuddle with his favorite humans.

 Adopting Pets Online: A Win-Win Situation

These success stories are just a few examples of how pet adoption sites online can make a positive impact on both pets' lives and adopters' lives. By choosing adoption over buying from breeders or pet stores, you're giving animals in need a second chance at happiness while also gaining an incredibly loyal companion. 

Plus, many adoption sites offer resources such as training tips, behavioral advice, and medical support to help ensure successful adoptions. It's truly a win-win situation for everyone involved! 

As you can see, there are numerous benefits to adopting a pet through an online adoption site. You get convenience and accessibility while saving money compared to buying from breeders. Plus, you get access to a wider variety of pets that may not be available locally. 

But most importantly, by choosing to adopt a pet instead of buying one from a breeder or store, you are helping rescue an animal in need of love and care. Your actions will make an enormous difference in their lives - giving them comfort and security they may never had otherwise experienced.

So if you're thinking about adding to your family dynamic or know someone who is considering it themselves - consider adopting through one these amazing websites! Not only will it change your life for the better - but it will change theirs too! 

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thursday's issues -- Treating Cushing's Disease

Here is an excerpt from an email I get regularly from a Vet in Canada.  He is very knowledgeable about both medical and holistic care and he has a wonderful course you can take on his website.  This particular email talks about ways to help your pet when Cushing's disease is diagnosed or just a possibility.  Let me know if you find this useful and I will post other excerpts from his email here.


A dog was recently diagnosed with as disease called
Cushing's Disease - He is producing excess cortisol
in his body.

In most cases this is caused by a Pituatary Adenoma,
but in 15% of dogs it is caused by an Adrenal Tumor.

This dog had EXCESS panting and pacing- he
could NOT settle down

Here is part of what's in my book:

Your older dog drinks and urinates excessively.
He has a distended, swaying belly. He has hair
loss and a sparse hair coat. His appetite may
be increased. He may pant often. He has been
tested for other causes of increased drinking
(including diabetes, kidney and liver disease)
and all tests have come back negative.

The disease is an overproduction of a hormone
(Cortisol) which produces the signs of excessive
 drinking and urinating. The most common cause
is due to a tumor on the pituitary gland (a
gland at the base of the brain). A small
percentage of cases are caused by a tumor on
the adrenal gland (a gland in the kidneys).
In some cases, pets can get all these signs
by being on steroids, such as prednisone. In
this case, the treatment is to wean the pet
off the drug.


TO THE VET.  If your pet has some of the signs
of Cushing's (excessive drinking and urination)
then it is first important to rule out other
diseases. Your vet will check for diabetes,
kidney disease, and liver disease. A general
blood screen will be suggestive of Cushing's.
At this time, they may recommend further
screening tests and discuss traditional

Here is what worked GREAT for this dog:

VALERIAN. High Cortisol levels will make your
pet feel anxious. Valerian is great at
decreasing anxiety levels. The dog dose is 1
drop per lb of body weight twice daily.

Here are some additional remedies...

ANTIOXIDANTS. In Cushing's, the cells are more
prone to injury from the high Cortisol levels.
The three most effective antioxidants are Vitamin
E, Vitamin C and Selenium. These are best given
in combination: give 100 IU of Vitamin E, 100 mg
of Vitamin C and 20 ug if Selenium per 10 lbs of
body weight daily.

FLOWER. Flower essences can also help to decrease
anxiety, such as panting. One to two drops of Bach
Rescue Remedy given twice daily may help calm your pet.


GINKGO. This is a herb called Ginkgo Biloba. It has
been shown to reduce Cortisol production.
The dose of the tincture is one drop per lb of
body weight twice daily. The dried concentrated
extract is also available, give 3 mg per lb of
body weight daily.


P.S. IF you are looking for a COMPLETE resource
of ALL of the specific At Home Remedies for Cushing's
Disease ( along with over 100 common dog diseases)
then get my manual here:

Helping Pets stay healthy and at home
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Friday, December 25, 2009

Satchmo lost 10 teeth!

Our trip to the vet Wednesday went well.  I guess losing 10 teeth during a cleaning can be classified as going well.  According to the vet, my little man had several loose teeth and three definite abcessed teeth.  She felt that to make him well she had to pull the teeth and pack his mouth with antibiotics.  While he was out, he also had that ugly thing removed from his leg.  So, needless to say, he is not a very happy camper. 

I am being religious about giving him his antibiotic and his pain medication.  He whimpers and cries if I am even a few minutes late on his dose.  I feel so bad for him.  I wish this had not happened, but it has and we just have to deal with it. 

On a good note, his appetite is returning and he is eating soft foods without any trouble.  So far, he has not really bothered his stitches, but his mouth is still bothering him--he keeps pawing at his muzzle.  I took the collar off him at home because he was so miserable in it.  I may have to put it back on if he keeps scratching at his mouth.

So, for Christmas this year, I gave myself a healthier little man.  For that I am eternally grateful.

Merry Christmas to you all!

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